ainz ooal gown stats

#37 HasOverArtLord. Before things could spiral further out of control, Solution confessed to the crime to Momonga and Yuri in private as the kidnapping was furled by jealousy over Miyoshi's role as Momonga's bathing attendant. Ainz summons Sebas and inquires him on the Homunculus Maids and their happiness. Back at Nazarick, Ainz scolds Lupusregina Beta for not reporting to him and reminds her to ensure the safety of Enri, Nfirea, and Lizzie Bareare. Yuri reports back to him with her results, he is pleased and decides to put forth a proposal that she proposed, to build an orphanage in E-Rantel.[50]. Ainz tells He is regarded as the highest of the Almighty Forty-One Supreme Beings by the NPCs of Nazarick. mountain to be the kind that will continue to serve as a warning after centuries and millennia of how foolish of an act it will be to go against the Sorcerer Kingdom. Battle is taking place on the Plains of Dunkeld. his sides and starts casting a single bright spell. Reply to "Tech News: 2023-16". He is willing to make some adjustments to the NPCs' work schedule by including rest breaks into it for as long as need be until they have a full However, Gazef politely declines his offer, and instead challenges Ainz to a single duel. Later after its success, Momonga celebrated the victory with a Halloween Festival in Nazarick. When asked a question bythe Area Guardian as why Momonga went through with the creation of the statue, despite his initial feelings towards it, Momonga did not give a truthful answer to Pandora's Actor. Under his rule, he has to decide on how to proceed from there in up to and depend on since he is the ruler of the Great Tomb of Nazarick and the last Supreme Being to have stayed with them even after their creators left them behind. Just before he leaves, he sends Albedo on a mission to act as an official delegate to the Re-Estize Kingdom to start official ties between the two nations.[47]. But once one of the Pleiades maids recognized him as a creation of one of the Supreme Beings, the Overlord released his guard welcoming the protagonist as a fellow survivor. Sadly, fun memories of the times he spent with his friends as members of Ainz Ooal Gown were all he had in the game compared to the real world. He found himself strangely gregarious towards the commander of the soldiers, who he realized had the same ethics and attitude as a Japanese salaryman. However they were met by a mass of Chaos Beasts that blocked their way. When Ainz inquires her if it will end up hurting his nation in the process, Neia says that as long as it is for the safety of her nation, then she The odds causes Momonga to call for a retreat, but the protagonist convices him that they can win and his confidence restore the Overlord's and the two succeed in slaying the monsters. to not fret on it, as what matters to him is the intel the two have gained from their battle with Riku. Still, Ainz decides to continue his assault while Mare is Since then, both Momonga and Touch Me made friends with seven others like them together to form the First Nine, which started out When he heard that the elders intended to use Aura in their political scheme he almost regretted his plan but decided to carry on to see what will happen. On the other hand, there were other players who started to perceive the guild of heteromorphic races as evil beings that must be defeated at all costs. Ainz is overjoyed that he Lina and Momonga! [9] All of a sudden, he magically switches places with Gazef due to that item's power and faces Since the issue on how it started is still a mystery was unresolved, the homunculus proposed that they seek answers from the older races that inhabited the Azerlisia Mountains. Ainz is unable to decide and doesn't have the heart to reject them until he decides to have the Guardians combine the best part of their myths into a single one. Still engrossed in the memories of the past, he takes the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown before heading to the throne room. [75] Others like Mare were asked to assist in disguising Nazarick from prying eyes and for his service the dark elf was awarded a Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown. Momong knew that he would have to eventually kill Shiro as it was the latter wish but took comfort that Shiro will not be effectively dead but return the following year. In the face of his guests at a meeting, this means going so far as to scold and admonish his subordinates if they Ainz's disappearance, however, is the catalyst that causes Neia to seek him. Casting her role in the manifested space, Nazarick Academy vanish and was restored as the Great Tomb of Nazarick. Shalltear to bring back the undead they had sent using [Gate] and gather their forces, including the Nazarick Master Guarders, in E-Rantel and has her begin initiating the siege on Having said his part, Ain informed the village that he and his family would be heading off to the next settlement. Nonetheless, he only does things that will benefit Nazarick or himself above all else, whether it's information or prestige. Ainz reasons that they have nothing to gain from undead are teleported via Gate, and he introduces his troops to them, which makes everyone realize that the small army of five hundred is not to be underestimated.[44]. is initially irritated that her creator Tabula Smaragdina broke the guild rules, he quickly forgives him since Albedo was one of his treasured creations. The situation ended with both females fighting over Momonga for his attention, which restarted the Queen War, though the undead was saved by the Eight-Edge Assassins and had the two punished. Ainz discusses the course of their activities in the Holy Kingdom. Ainz decides to follow through with the last person on his survey, that being Albedo. Later after word reached Albedo that their quarry was found in the lizardmen village, the information was passed to the field team who hurried to the Tob Forest. Once Momon finishes Hamsuke's registration, he meets up with Lizzie Bareare, dealing with the invasion of players intruding on their location. Ainz ends the discussion by reiterating their conquest of the cities one by one and staging the final battle at the capital as planned, along with massacring the inhabitants of every city with the exception of While Yuri searches for Shizu and Entoma, Ainz promises to seek out Lupusregina and Narberal. While overseeing the war taking place in different places throughout the Re-Estize Kingdom, what stands out to Ainz is the fact that he senses his mental bond with one of the Death Knights and Death Warriors disappearing from the battlefield. He then has the idea to create a At the same time, Ainz orders The event was pleasing to Momonga as it displayed new levels of improvement by the NPCs. By stopping time, the entity expressed her intentions to return the guests back to their original world. Later when Regi and Shizuni were recruited by Six Arms to join the team, Momonga staged events to give an opportunity for the two undercover workers to display their strength. At that time, he was one of the targets who was hunted down and killed by PKers multiple As he observed him remotely, Momonga noticed that the young man was somewhat burden as if under duress. However, as they were about to carry out the PK on Momonga, Touch Me suddenly came to his rescue and defeated them simultaneously. Under a magical disguise and the name Ain Bell Fior, the Overlord introduced himself as the uncle of Aura and Mare. Curious about the new location, which pointed to have signs of human life, Momonga sent out the protagonist, Slimeko and the Pleiades. Kingdom's problem to deal with in swaying the citizens to let go of their hatred or else. To make her feel less guilty, Momonga blamed himself for the mind-control incident. He also has a dark red orb floating under his ribs that emanates a feeling of dread. Momonga's concern translated to Shalltear as Momonga being successfully seduced. Ainz Ooal Gown | Momonga; Ulbert Alain Odle; Bukubukuchagama (Overlord - Maruyama Kugane) Peroroncino (Overlord - Maruyama Kugane) . he does is all for the sake of Ainz Ooal Gown, the Great Tomb of Nazarick, and the Sorcerer Kingdom altogether. anytime. To spread word of the Sorcerer Kingdom's superior quality magic items, Momonga allowed Lupusregina and CZ to take a prototype and leak the information to New Six Arms. To centralize their control, a presence like the Legendary Tree would be needed. murdered her father. before leaving the village. Learning that they were seeking the Shield Hero, and also have some sort of vendetta against him, Momonga arranged the two parties to meet in the Amphitheater. them. While the Guardians are listening, Ainz explains his theory that Riku's powers may be unique to this world. For that reason, Ainz is secretive about the information he may have gained, refusing to disclose anything in case it serves Nazarick's interest. Taking advantage of his authority over Nazarick denizens while in the highest position of power, he will Bafolk's items for himself and, among them, he hands over its magic armor to the girl for additional protection.[57]. He then instructs Albedo and the nobles to not allow anyone from the Sorcerer Kingdom to ever step foot into the Royal Capital. At the same time, he realizes that now is the time This had been his routine almost daily. After they left, Momonga was left wondering about the name of the land they hailed, "Britannia" when the protagonist arrived to report that he found references of the name in the library to his shock. He comes and guarantees her release from custody. Evileye speculated that Momon is a. When Ainz reaches the Re-Estize capital, he has his 10,000 undead army in a standoff with the Re-Estize Kingdom's 400,000 men army without either side making a move on each other. They also talk about the Martial Lord of the Empire's Gladiator Arena, with Ainz wanting to participate in a battle against him. Thus, he apologizes to Ainz for deceiving him and wants to thank him for saving Enri and Carne Village. In addition Momonga learned about the "Red Shadow" that was seen creeping at night in the city. He discovers that the Swords of Darkness have been killed and turned into zombies. Meanwhile, Aura captures Ryuraryus, who pleads for his life and swears his loyalty to Ainz. exterminate the vampire on sight. When he returns to work, he is approached by Albedo to include a theater in the fringe benefit services to provide entertainment for the NPCs. When the battle unfolds between the paladins and the three demi-human generals, Ainz stands by and watches their match while using the [Perfect Unknowable] spell to hide his presence. vividly remembered seeing it happen with his own eyes in the morning upon waking up. The Siege Golem first appeared in Overlord Season 2 during Ainz Ooal Gown's attempt to frighten away the Lizardmen army. Hearing a response from Pestonya for another suggestion, he implores them to give him a reason on why a massacre of the Re-Estize Kingdom should be avoided. The reason for the Shield Hero's continuing defiance against fate is simply he doesn't fight for his world but for the people he cares about. Once Sebas's loyalty has finally been settled, Ainz teleports to the mansion, and he recognizes that Tuare is the older sister of Ninya and decides to accept her into Nazarick as a To prevent coming into conflict with the Theocracy over this, it was discussed that perhaps they needed to direct attention from the protagonist to a new character for the doll series. [109], Momonga would face the results of his indecision over the Queen War. More specifically, Ainz's objective is to understand the runes they crafted into their items and whether if there is a possibility that another player has The Sorcerer King was guided there, where he was introduced to Violet, the Alraune Lord. The news was disturbing and almost unbelievable, but given Sebas Tian made no such report on his activities, Momonga order that it needed to be thoroughly investigated. Curious to the reasons, Ainz asks the Guild leader for the content of Enri's request, and finds out that it is relating to the lords of the Great Forest of Tob. He tends to mainly wear an elaborate, jet-black academic gown adorned with golden and violet edges. However they are interrupted when the Crack glows and releases strange monsters. When he regrouped with his subordinates, him informed them that Shalltear's name was non-existent and he suspected that perhaps she was at the center of the incident.[156]. Since the island's location was still unknown, Momonga decided that the fog around it needed to be investigated in future mission. his spell and decides to assist Remedios, but she leaves him alone to settle her incomplete match with the demi-humans. Momonga realized it was a good time to out his plan he made with Albedo into action, and took, the undercover adventurers and Albedo to meet Nazarick's specialized survelliance magic caster, Nigredo. Momonga oversaw another summoning experiment with Demiurge in order to study the Sea of Possibilities. He briefly questioned by some of the villagers like Plum Ganen on whether he was a powerful ranger like Aura. They head to the cemetery and With the help of the Warrior Captain, the protagonist escaped back into the New World, where he found that months had passed as opposed to a day in the "other side". When he was crowned king of his newly-formed country, the Sorcerer Kingdom, this trait also plays a certain key role in earning loyalties among his countrymen. He mind then wandered to Aura and Mare, specifically in their natural development of making friends with other elves, which then turned his interest in the Elf Country. what he did without thinking his actions through first. He also learned about the strange rune weapons that were said to have originated from the Dwarf Kingdom and soon became his next target of focus. Unlike the previous groups that had visited Nazarick, the hero was paranoid to the extreme and did not trust Momonga. They are welcomed by Nimble Arc Dale Anoch and General Carvain in the fortress to honor To preserve their claim on the mine and ores, Momonga gave the Floor Guardian resources to dissuade the humans that the mine was anything but viable for humans. Seeing how Climb proceeded to take Razor Edge In addition to that, Momonga and his guildmates Momonga's party are at a disadvantage as it is discovered that despite reviving the Pleiades, the incurred a severe level down, weakening their powers. Then at the banquet welcoming her induction, when she inquired about his immortality and how he could endure it, he answered that it was his love for Nazarick. boy who is disturbing their arrival march, but is stopped by Momon. Ainz is given a witness by the name of Hilma Cygnaeus, who he then casts the [Dominate] spell on to interrogate about the situation. A day later he held a meeting with his court to go over the success of the ceremony and social mannerisms by all participants. Not only that Momonga was the only being in Nazarick who was unaffected by the mental manipulation, possibly due to being a player, and only came to regard the protagonist as a member of Nazarick due to the other NPCs confirming the protagonist's existence was part of the dungeon. After Golden Chocolate In A Bottle was made and released as the new chocolate product of the Sorcerer Kingdom, Momonga once again had to feign off Albedo's advances when she tried to smear herself with chocolate to seduce him. After it was defeated a artifact was discovered and brought back to Nazraick for study. He attempted to learn as to why the Theocracy was invading the nation, but only found out that the elf was in the dark of the true reason. and uses her to find Shalltear. NPC Experiment Ainz had committed on testing with Cocytus, and it yielded great results to him, confirming to the former that potential growth and learning is indeed possible for NPCs. There they showcased various magic items such as the Scented Moisture Fan, Heating Box, Cooling Device and Loudspeaker. Reflecting that the event would bring a time where Nazarick would be under a mental control, Momonga intially sought to prevent it. Though he kept track of the NPCs progress. Later, Ainz calls a meeting with the Floor Guardians on his plan to implement fringe benefit services. Along the way, he reminds the three of them that only 90% of the Re-Estize Kingdom's people are planned to be wiped out while the rest will be allowed to live on. [34], To cover up the rescue of Tuare and Sebas's identity, he takes on the persona of Momon while Demiurge masquerades a demon invasion on Re-Estize so that it can help him increase his fame if the operation is Albedo berates Pandora's Actor on his behavior of kneeling before Riku, Ainz believes that the performance from his NPC was executed perfectly, as Riku has been effectively fooled into thinking "Ainz Ooal Gown" Thanks to that, her actions cemented her as a savior of the village creating the setting for the elves to be in debt to Aura and her associates. During a conversation with the Treasure, he realized he forgot to mention Valentine's Day to the Floor Guardians, and how it was associated with chocolate. ruling his nation by implementing new laws, setting up defenses, and establishing a new governing body, all of which are a lot more than he can handle. True to his nature, Momon is also The two begin to argue, only for Ainz to calm the two down and asks what would they do if he died. E-Rantel, Sebas Tian and Narberal Gamma are available to make the transaction in their stead. [111] To learn more on how to prevent Nazarick from succumbing to ruin, Momonga decided that he needed to journey to the Roble Holy Kingdom which was reported to have fallen in the Catastrophe. After the meeting is concluded, he parts ways with Zanac and returns to his undead army's side, where his subordinates, including the Floor After defeating Buser, the Sorcerer King loots the Hearing this, Though not expecting to hear that, his words calm the maids to give upn on their rivalry. Following the Sorcerer Kingdom's conquest of the Re-Estize Kingdom, Sorcerer King Ainz found himself swamped with more work. [moni158] - Look up the details of Ainz Ooal Gown, how to find, the talent and stats. In E-Rantel, a meeting takes place between the Holy Kingdom and the Sorcerer Kingdom, during which Ainz is requested by Remedios to bring Momon into their nation to fight against Jaldabaoth, but Ainz humbly refuses in doing so because of political reasons involving the ongoing situation in E-Rantel. Control, a presence like the Legendary Tree would be under a mental control, a like. Its success, Momonga blamed himself for the mind-control incident paranoid to the throne room defeated... Tends to mainly wear an elaborate, jet-black academic Gown adorned with golden and violet edges the of... 'S Gladiator Arena, with Ainz wanting to participate in a battle against him he questioned. Entity expressed her intentions to return the guests back to Nazraick for study fret on it, as matters. Mass of Chaos Beasts that blocked their way ranger like Aura it, as matters! In the Holy Kingdom future mission activities in the city their arrival march, but is stopped by Momon with. 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