how to tell a priest you love him

This selfish attitude has vanished because each Christmas (and at all Masses), I see a smiling Fr. Darrell is a very holy priest, a perfect homilist, has a beautiful singing voice and is very much a people-person. No. Father brushed up on his Spanish so he could minister to our parishioners who are of Mexican descent. I got full support. Stanley every single day. Grankowski is a one-of-a-kind priest and words cannot describe how he has impacted our lives. J.J. They have more projects not mentioned here, and they are young senior citizens. No. Zbigniew Grankowski? Leo. Parkers steady, kind and patient guidance has helped to ease the transition. To honor this occasion, I embrace the opportunity to explain why I love my priest. Whether its his inspiring homilies or his timely response to the needs of his flock, Fr. Sister Anne Mamienski, our pastoral associate, has been with us for one year. He is the dynamo of a viable, energetic Christian community in Western Wayne County. Pauls amazing costumes! Ryan is in Mexico now for a six-week period of studying Spanish, one of my favorite memories of him was a funeral he celebrated here. Your Church is continually in need of priests, sisters and brothers to offer themselves in the service. When filled with spirituality, generosity of spirit and humility, they inspire us to become better Catholics and to carry our faith out into an often-hostile world. Thus a man who wants to be a priest must love Jesus Christ above all else. We are very saddened to see him transferred to St. Timothy next week. Denis Theroux from Our Lady of Victory Parish in Northville, is the most nicest priest in the world. He kept us interested in our faith. Aaron and pray God will give you the help you need. He is very approachable and we are very happy he is our pastor. He deserves recognition for his sense of humor, and the ability to make his students relax because of his humor. If the priest hearing your confession cannot handle that or keeps doing the thing that is upsetting you, you can also just walk out. Fr. Mark Borkowski, who was our pastor and loved by our parish. Joe also challenges us to follow Church teaching including weekly attendance at Sunday Mass, respecting life, and supporting social justice. Stanley Obloj as our pastor and shepherd. Through his vocation he brings to the community a 21st century St. John Vianney. He deserves it. Its been a difficult year. We are so happy Fr. He is kind and compassionate and funny and loving. Annes, the parish next door. Ron Babich for the 20 years of his dedication and service to the parishioners of Our Lady Queen of All Saints, Fraser. He sees our sins as a burden that he will take up (with Jesus!) But then a thief stole my heart. He spends the 40-minute period visiting with students and genuinely getting to know them. Hendrico Rebello, SAC, associate pastor, are serving our parishes and are truly blessings in so many ways. Joseph Esper our priest. Last year, Fr. When the typical lay person meets a priest, they perceive him first and foremost as a "celibate" and have an internal dialogue that goes something like this: "Is he really celibate? Ryan was ordained in 2014 and was a little nervous at first preaching to the congregation in our octagonal church. He always has a welcoming hug and warm smile for us. I love my priest because he is so gentle and kind. Bryan Shackett special to me, besides the fact that he is my son, is his love of God and his total dedication to God and his faith. Jim is proficient in his teaching. Lord, I love you with all my heart.". Trying to decide what to do was very difficult we didnt want him to suffer, but were we selfish in keeping him alive? I would never have thought of doing this if it hadnt been for Fr. It was most difficult when the spiritual adviser of the hospital told us we should discontinue life support. I appreciate the fact that Fr. Thanks to him I got married by the Church and since that day he makes sure I get closer and closer to God by inviting me to participate as an extraordinary minister of holy Communion and also as lector, thanks to those services my responsibility and love to God continues growing daily. He knows how to cultivate those traditions that are most meaningful to his people. You dont need to know a person for a long time to see how wonderful they are. He asks us questions in his homilies and encourages us to participate during Mass. I thank my Fr. Aside from the label, vinyl records all look the same to the untrained eye. I personally am very much at peace in his class. Our priest, Fr. He will go wherever he is needed, without question. From his no-fear confessions, healing Masses, to calling his parishioners by their first names, he deserves more than a mere letter of praise and recognition. The answer is, "It is not about you. interview, author | . views, likes, . loves, comments, shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Pastor Agyemang Elvis: ALPHA HOUR. We'll walk you through some cute ways to tell him you love him! His life choices exemplified tolerance, patience, forgiveness and acceptance. Fr. His homilies are inspirational and thoughtful, which remind us of Gods presence in our lives. In the past, Fr. Fr. 3: He is very fun. He has been and continues to be a beautiful guiding light for our lifes journey. I admire my priest very much, and I wonder if that's okay or if I might slip and fall in love with him. At first, Fr. He has been with us only a few months and I know he will gain the love and respect of our parish family. It was comforting to us to have him there. If you are forcing yourself into a love relationship with a priest, it means that you are pushing him into a situation where his f. Needless to say, it was again a meaningful tribute to his years of service to God, to his Church, and to all his fellow human beings. He loved people, even those who did not see the goodness in him. Most of all, I am deeply appreciative of the fact that Fr. Thanks be to God for giving us the gift of Fr. Tom was there to counsel and help them through their difficult time. I go to Daily Mass, and sometimes I find myself looking at Father longer than I need to. Fr. He is a man of deep faith in the Lord and we are drawn in toward God through his aura. Noel is compassionate, gentle and generous. New churches, new schools, new streets; basically, America is home. He can be strict when necessary just like a father should be, but lovely and with open hands like God asks us to be. They celebrate Mass so devoutly and beautifully proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ by their words and actions every day. I'll start off with some general ideas that can be used almost on any occasion: 1. In observing him over the years, I am consistently inspired and impressed by his service and connection to people of all backgrounds. Fr. His smile invites friendliness and caring. Tony Tocco at St. Hugo of the Hills Parish in Bloomfield Hills. Second, Jos was a true and sincere seeker of spiritual truth. He takes a genuine interest in his parishioners and even their extended families and makes a point of greeting all who came to Mass. So many memories you have left with us. Fr. Fr. Although I have only known Fr. Steve will become one of them. Fr. Confessing to a priest makes you even more aware of God's mercy, because once the priest absolves your sin, you know immediately that God has forgiven you John 20: 23) The church has agreed that all Catholics must confess to the priest as a sign of true repentance, obey humbly, and stop finding reasons and justifications to disobey. Stanley Pachla pastor of St. Veronica Parish in Eastpointe, is a special blessing in our lives. He started the community dinner to feed the homeless people on Sundays. Grant Your clarity. Friends and family question our decision to drive that far to make St. Andre Bessette our parish home. When I hear the Sunday Gospel and then his homily, I always take something from it. What a blessing she is. Joe makes time to have a presence around the parish and community. Thank you, Fr. Aaron believes it, so you believe it, too!Fr. We would like to recognize Fr. Fr. My sister and I are eternally grateful. He is the most spiritual, selfless and humble man I know. Denis. Now he will encounter many more people and their lives will never be the same again. His kindness, love and compassion know no bounds. He did this in his homilies, but most of all he inspired us by his actions and his love of the Lord that was always noticeable as he celebrated Mass and was really a shepherd to his congregation. I am in love with you. He was our pastor for eight years. Jim graciously agreed to come out of retirement nearly two years ago from Florida to be our pastor. Fr. 1: He makes us happy to be Catholic!God Bless,Lawrence Ricard Principal Immaculate Conception Catholic School, Ira Township. David Lesniak, has been at St. Alphonsus in Dearborn for more than 11 years. Turns out, you just didn't know what to look for. Darrell. When someone needs a clergy person, the hospitals call on Fr. Rooney is a caring priest and it is apparent to me that he cares so much about people. Fr. He has devoted his life to the Catholic Church and made many sacrifices to help us grow in faith. Reconciling earthly family matters with the teachings of Christ can be challenging. F.A.B.O, on June 24, 2011 at 4:17 PM Posted in Etiquette and Advice 11. And we are so happy and glad! Basil the Great Parish in Eastpointe has the peace, sense of humor, wisdom and positive attitude of someone far beyond his years. If we know your situation, it helps us to counsel you. 7. Next believe that Jesus is God's son, and that he died on the cross for your sins. You may now kiss the bride! Good Friday, Easter and Christmas Mass brought us closer to the life of Christ. Kern always seemed to help all of them, and he had time for everyone and everything. He is a really good one. We live in Warren and drive 45 minutes one way to get to Ecorse for Mass each week and we truly cant wait to get there! Joe!Thank you, Fr. Declaration of Marriage. He truly is a wonderful blessing to our parish and is loved by all. Over 35 years ago at a small parish in Clinton Township named St. Valerie of Ravena, we received a new priest who was energetic, kind, loving and passionate about his faith. Joe provides hope that working together, we can bring about Christs kingdom. This is my fifth year at St. Cyprian Parish in Riverview, and also my fifth year writing about Fr. I am just a member of his church, thank God. Fr. His homilies are fabulous; his dedication to his vocation is evident in every celebration of the Mass. His good nature and humor have been a blessing to our parish!Father Ed is the living example of the Good Shepherd in todays world. John Piper. A Nuptial Mass will require your celebrant to be a priest. We thank the Lord for allowing us to have him with us as our pastor, spiritual guide, the one who is there for us when we need him the most. He is inspiring and gets our attention during the homilies. Denis Theroux from Our Lady of Victory Parish in Northville. Paul is committed to modeling discipleship. Greg has gotten to know his flock pretty well in the year we have known him. He does daily Mass, which is rare anymore. Ray Bucon, for being our very humble pastor at St. Sabina Church in Dearborn Heights, and for your incredible service to our parish, and to God and country. I thank you, and we do miss you. I need to tell you how I feel about you because it's consuming me. Mary ShackettOur Lady on the River, Marine City. We also thank Fr. At Easter Vigil 2014, Fr. To Fr. Weve only been members of our parish for three years, but weve noticed a vibrancy that I havent seen for a while in churches in this area. STO LAT!The Parishioners of St. John the Baptist Parish, Dearborn Heights. Stanley Obloj came to St. Mark Parish in Warren in 2012, we immediately knew we were receiving a wonderful blessing. Fr. As parishioners of St. Kenneth in Plymouth, we are blessed by the return of Fr. I believe that this is in part due to his life experiences. We, his parishioners are most fortunate to have Fr. He takes time off to come in the hall in the morning to see us. His theological conversations have deepened the faith of his family. Aaron is also a strong spiritual leader and teacher who is very brave and courageous and will speak out to his parishioners at Mass, whenever necessary, about the current events affecting our Catholic faith, in his quest to get all of our souls to heaven!Fr. We have been abundantly blessed to have two amazing priests leading the flock at Holy Cross Hungarian Roman Catholic Church in Detroit, both are Franciscan Friars: our pastor, Fr. He always stresses that we are a family of God. We thank you for being an example of perseverance, Fr. Jim Mayworm as our pastor. His ability to all of a sudden show up is uncanny; his homilies, which simply strike the right chord, touches our hearts exactly where it is needed. For example, he took part in the cake walk; he didnt win! James has demonstrated by his attitude and actions that he is a priest dedicated to the Church and to our Lord, Jesus Christ. What more could I ask from a loving God as I navigate through lifes complexities? Prayer #14. Slaton, associate pastor of Our Lady on the River Parish, is such a knowledgeable priest. We know he cares and loves each one of us as lambs given to him by God to shepherd. Colonel Bucon demonstrated loyalty, unwavering professionalism, steadfast initiative, selfless service and unfailing devotion to duty, which earned him the supreme respect of the soldiers and families he served. He prays for everyone. I am so proud to have him in my life. Priests are indeed a blessing to our Church and our congregations. Noel has changed the lives of many here at Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital. Now more than ever, evil is lurking around every corner, but with devoted men of Christ like Fr. Stanley, we thank you for everything you bring to us in your teachings and your wise words. Kern for help. We are so blessed to have a very special priest here at St. Mark the Evangelist Parish in Birmingham, Ala. Fr. When Fr. At Immaculate Conception Parish in Ira Township, we are blessed to call Fr. Aaron De Peyster, pastor of St. Sebastian Parish in Dearborn Heights, is a true representation of what it would be like to have Jesus as a pastor. He exemplifies the love and mercy of Jesus. I am writing this letter to tell you about my parish priest. You have a deep love for Christ and His Church. Fr. His qualifications as a priest go beyond the calling of the faith. Although Fr. Thomas and Fr. Youd never find Fr. Mike has not only been able manage the responsibilities of the parish but has developed a personal relationship with the parishioners. He asked me to take Communion to a woman who couldnt get to Mass, and it was such a moving experience for me. A parishioner and a momSt. Joan of Arc Parish, St. Clair Shores. He is our example. James Arwady has taken on his first pastorate as the pastor of St. Christopher Parish, Marysville. We recently found out he may be moved to a different church, and we all felt very sad, but thankful for all he has done for us. "Tithing isn't really giving - It's returning.". As a PIME missionary priest, Fr. I have been blessed to know Msgr. For our sons to have this presence of Christ an integral part of their lives has been profound. Fr. One of our authors explains: "My spiritual sisterhood in college gave the friars a spiritual bouquet once, and they cried with joy and loved it. I seek to emulate his and the popes everyman approach to life. Thank You, Fr. Please make time to attend the 11:30 a.m. Mass on a Sunday at 1491 Baldwin, Detroit, as my guest and get to meet this wonderful man and the parish. If you're non-Orthodox, though, the priest probably won't be expecting you to ask for a blessing so he might try to shake your hand. For his happiness and that he may be well-rested: Pray that your priest is happy and he finds things that give him life . No. For a believer to marry an unbeliever is to sin grievously against God and God's people. He is present in his parish. In serving God, the parish family comes first. The pastor's singular desire, Lord, is to serve and please You. He has been at several parishes. Okeke has helped me actually connect what the Scriptures are saying and see the connection in my daily life. His smile lit up the church and you couldnt help feeling energized. ADVERTISEMENT. He has no problem getting volunteers to do jobs around the church. Accept your lack of control. His down-to-earth calmness helped us weather this situation. He has a wealth of understanding and compassion, and has helped so many souls. His caring nature is evident in the homilies he so painstakingly prepares both for routine liturgies and special occasions like funerals and baptisms. The man called to the priesthood leaves his family and everything else to be "alone with God." It is necessary to have a time for personal reflection, to listen to God and verify if it's a divine inspiration or not. He accepts people, and life, as they are not as who or what he wishes they could be. Fr. Im going to tell you about my favorite priest. Noel OConnor, SAC, has been a chaplain at Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital for the past year. Earlier this year, my husband Larry was hospitalized and became very ill and was in the ICU, I approached Fr. Joseph Esper. It was more important than preparing for just the wedding day. Two parishioners worked on repainting a statue of Mary in the convents perennial garden that was taking shape and others helped to keep the garden watered. He delivers excellent homilies as he brings to life the Gospel and the correlates the Gospel to other Scriptures and their application to our lives. Okeke attends every parish function and we have many! Tomek Maka and currently Fr. David, Fr. Greg Tokarski, our pastor at Mother of Divine Mercy Parish in Detroit and Sweetest Heart of Mary Church: We are so blessed to have you at our church, and at St. Josaphat and St. Joseph Church. He shows kindness by saying Hello to us. Mike Verschaeve is a wonderful parish priest. Pat practiced setting an example for us. He always seems to have the right words when we face difficult times of illness or the death of a loved one. I am not Catholic and my FH never went to church growing up. He takes to heart our joys, sorrows, hopes, fears, triumphs and defeats through prayer and blessings. What makes Fr. The time we spend together is really special to me. Our parish, St. Pio of Pietrelcina in Roseville, was very lucky to have Fr. Our first meeting was about my baptism and becoming Catholic. He greets us all entering the Church and upon dismissal he addresses as many parishioners as he can on his way back down the aisle. I thank God during each Mass for Fr. One such priest, Fr. Again, Fr. Zbigniew Grankowski as our beloved pastor at St. Cunegunda Church in Detroit. Larry Siroskey, was forced to take a medical leave. Will gain the love and respect of our Lady of Victory Parish in Eastpointe, such... In Ira Township, we immediately knew we were receiving a wonderful blessing to our Lord, a! Too! Fr Posted in Etiquette and Advice 11 perseverance, Fr 24, 2011 at 4:17 PM Posted Etiquette. And service to the Catholic Church and you couldnt help feeling energized make St. Andre Bessette our home. Part in the world visiting with students and genuinely getting to know his flock pretty well in service! Mamienski, our pastoral associate, has been with us only a few months and know! 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