james river missouri fishing

This is an electronic reprint of a Missouri Department of Conservation document. Fishing spots, fishing reports and regulations in. We put in around 1330 and were off by 1645. No fish were caught, but I was just happy to be on the water. 125 to Lake Springfield 6.3; dam at Lake Springfield to Hwy.14-4.3; to Galena 4.Counties:Greene, Christian, Scone. River was crystal clear and banks of the river was pristine. Float trips, for which the Ozarks are famous among smallmouth bass fishermen, reputedly originated at Galena on the James. Regardless, it was a wonderful day to be outside on the river (even the DoJ) and everyone had a great time. 18.7 Owens Bridge. The upper James is where it's at for sure. With my normal Monday activities sidelined, it was a perfect weather day to get on the water. 65. take Evans Road to Southwood Road. The James is a great place to float, fish, and camp. The weather was perfect with the exception of a wicked headwind that would come and go as we paddled. Gradient: general- 4.5; Hwy. The reservations were made on line and the check in process was very efficient. 65 Bridge. I caught 7-8 smallmouth bass in one 50 yard stretch with current. Bluegill, channel catfish, largemouth bass are proven stocking combination that provides both food and sport-fishing. The main portion of the James River extends from the dam at Lake Springfield south to Galena. No ramp, but easy canoe/kayak access. 65. take Evans Road to Southwood Road. Here are some helpful links. Smoked sausage and macaroni and cheese for dinner with chocolate for dessert. Longear sunfish are always a great option for anglers of all ages due to their aggressivenature when presented with small hooks baited with pieces of worm or small artificial lures. Many fish were spotted but no rods brought on the trip. No access. This is an electronic reprint of a Missouri Department of Conservation document. Fishing utterly sucked, mostly due to WAAAAAY too many people taking advantage of the gorgeous day outside. Click here for the latest 7 day fishing weather forecast for James River. The ultimate social distancing activity. USGS Gauge Data: Galena (07052500) Discharge: 277. I think I scraped more surface off the bottom of my kayak on this trip alone than all other trips combined. Height: 3.13 Source: Edmond. 40.8 Hooten Hill, on right (high bluff). This is an electronic reprint of a Missouri Department of Conservation document. Thats how we feel about the James River. swear their catch improves when the moon is in a "New" or "Full" moon phase. If you ever want to fish any of the rivers of Southwest Missouri, Ryan probably can guide you on your adventure. 60 Bridge. Still, an enjoyable day was had on the DoJ. If you are near Jeff in NW Wisconsin, contact him about his very reasonable rates for float tube instruction or fly casting lessons. He put us onto fish that we probably would not have caught on our own, either by telling us to change presentation or suggesting a specific location. The biggest fish, though, were caught away from the bank near large chunk rock. Please note that the James River (up to Lake Springfield) is considered a tributary of Table Rock Lake therefore the minimum length limit is 34 inches eye-to-fork. We loved the experience! No access. In high or medium water paddlers can run anorher 40 miles above this as well as some of the larger tributaries. the smallmouth bass. 0.0Hwy. Chapter 537 RSMO revised to 537.327. We take a number of different data points to make our fishing recommendation. A couple spots were a little bit tricky but not bad. But for me, the excitement was below the boat. A huge band of thunderstorms in Kansas prompted us to get up early and pack our gear, get an early breakfast, and head home. Around 1400 hours, we pushed off to finish the journey but stopped a few times to swim and relax. Fishing the James River might have spoiled me a bit. For safety's sake, make sure all boat occupants wear a U.S. Coast Guard-approved lifejacket. Copyright 2023 417 Magazine. Joe Crighton Access on right, at Kinser Bridge on Farm Road 164. Missouri residents age 16 years and older . A 2-3" rain in S Spgfld loaded up Wilson's Creek enough to send a wave of water down the James. 39.4 Silvet Lake Branch on right. Never have I seen so many fish of all species under the boat. We made it off the river by 900 hours, home by 1000 hours. Some places could easily snag a boat and require some portage but most could be floated successfully. Shelvin Rock to Hootie is much more interesting (IMHO) than Delaware to Shelvin. James River is currently under a "Waning Crescent" phase We fished slowly, floating during the calm stretches of river and getting out to wade fish the faster water. So the trip was on, and we were excited. Lost count, but I'd . Our group of 4 picked James River Outfitters and we were SUPER pleased with everything. Remember, regulations are there to protect fish species and enable fishing for generations to come. 31.9 Ftazier Bridge on county road. Not sure what fish to prepare force when fishing on James River . Slower flowing water, including pools, are good spots to target both largemouth and spots. The flow on the day was perfect and kept me and my boat tooling along at about the right speed to cast and drift. The water was clear and gently moving along. 39.7 Hooten Town Access on right, on Hotten Town Road. We facilitate and provide opportunity for all citizens to use, enjoy, and learn about these resources. Good read! It would be very helpful if Outfitters provided a current river map/chart showing best way to maneuver the river. Woo hoo! At almost no point during the day could one not see at least a dozen kayaks either up or down stream from us. The spring has a flow of nearly 2 million gallons per day, is used to supply a private trout hatchery and is one of the largest springs in this river drainage. Beautiful landscapes to see as you maneuver the river. Legal harvest season for paddlefish in Missouri runs from March 15-April 30 with a two fish daily limit. Widely recognized as an outstanding fishing resource. Details: Large Mouth Bass with a Flicker Shad. Looking to find out if other fishing enthusiasts are having luck on James River . River was just a bit murky due to it being a little higher than normal for this time of the year, but otherwise, couldn't have been better. Kayaks, canoes, rafts, tubes, camping, RV parkingPlan the perfect adventure for the whole family and experience the best of the Ozarks with JRO near Branson, MO. Well cover this more in a blog post soon but for James River right now the wind is coming The only problem is that I had this crazy issue in my mind about fishing with a guide. which is about 2 miles long, begins. The water was clear and flowing slowly with only a few faster riffles. When Table Rock Lake is not at full reservoir, rhe river may be floated beyond this point. Since we knew that we were going to be fishing the James River on Sunday, we used the opportunity to get to the area the day before and fish for trout at Lake Tanycomo. You are trying to access a feature that requires a Fishidy account. When stocked in this order and properly managed, these species provide great fishing and good eating. Leave routine behind and embark on a little adventure to find shopping, dining and experiences that are a bit off the beaten path. James River is a stream located just 3.2 miles from Kimberling City, in Stone County, in the state of Missouri, United States, near Marmaros, MO. Your email address will not be published. Congrats on the spotted bass. River level was just about perfect. Ashes did okay for her very first float in a kayak. Dial 1-800-392-1111 anytime to report illegal activity In 2013, Conservation Agents broke up an international paddlefish trafficking operation in Warsaw. Read about it here. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. There are dams to portage, but the pools they form are short. The river was perfect for fishing and floating with only a few places were we had to hop out and drag our kayaks. Didn't even put rock down on the 'pads' to help ppl from getting stuck in the mud! Finley River Park (Ozatk). as the 70s song says. Sometimes I was distracted by the show underneath and floated right past a promising hole without casting. Thanks man! Tom had too much to drink and Renee was hungover and Marianne was sleepy for some reason. Get all the fishing intel you need to start catching more, and bigger, fish. Great day on the river. An email address is required to associate with your Fishidy premium subscription. D.3.0San Francisco St. Louis R.R. 44.3 Cole Pit Hole access on County Road V-70 off Hwy. This section was very stagnant, smelly, and overran with bugs. Kerr and Cox Memorial during the floating season. Urban Fishing It may have been a little tricky in a canoe. Please ensure to adhere to the fishing regulations for the state. John boats 18-24 feet long and 4 feet wide were used long before canoes and kayaks became popular and are amazingly maneuverable craft for their size. We caught them in the current, up against rock banks, and under root wads or submerged trees. As always, good float. The little shop to check in had all the essentials you might need. I put in at the Kerr Access site and would float downstream to the Cox Memorial Access; this trip took me about 4 hoursbut I must admit I spent the latter half of the trip rowing for the takeout under the stress of a pretty serious thunderstorm. Check Elk/Bear Permit Application Results, Managing Invasive Species in Your Community. It was a pretty cool day hats for sure. The James Riversports an excellent population of suckers for the aspiring gigger willing to brave the dark. The river has a few more logs down in the middle and under the bridge after the last flood event. Venku is an online marketplace connecting hosts with outdoor enthusiasts in search of unique outdoor opportunities. 2.9 Turner Bridge. Bridge.6.8Joe Crighton Access on right, at Kinser Bridge on Farm Road 164. AA on right. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you. This was an easy overnight trip on the James to test out the canoe for a complete overnight load. Topwater fishing, particularly around sunrise and sunset, can provide an especially thrilling experience to kick-off or cap-off a day on the water. 160 Bridge. The striper fishery deserves special mention as one of the nations' finest, with potential to produce record fish in the 50-pound category. No access.61.0Hwy. The fall colors were in their first stage of full display, so it was a nice cool-ish October day float. The James is definitely the Waffle House of rivers (i.e., always there, always open, generally "Meh!"). Anglers regularly report catching smallmouth greater than 18 inches, particularly in the Smallmouth Special Management Area (SMA). Only caught one smallie near the low water bridge and lost one below Davis Creek. The biggest fish that I actually touched on the day was nice spotted bass. It was sunny and 64 degrees when I put on about 1430 and dropped to 57 degrees when I got off the water at 1700. Our group of 4 picked James River Outfitters and we were SUPER pleased with everything. If you want to avoid the crowds, consider going Monday through Thursday. Lake fishing regulations apply downstream from here. Oct 07, 2014 - James River 1 lb. D Bridge. One real exciting rapid with a drop 6-9" just above Finley on the right fork. But Im also trying to grow up, and maybe learning a few things wouldnt be so bad. 947 views 2 years ago Hello everybody, welcome back to my NEW YouTube channel. Suckers of all types, all 3 black bass species, channel catfish, carp, crappie, sculpin, shad and minnows of all types were present. Required fields are marked *. Prices and optons are listed including non resident fishing licenses. No access.25.2Wilson Creek on right.26.3Stone piers of old Delaware Bridge.26.7Spring branch on left.27.0Delaware Town Access on left, on County Road 14-31.27.5Hwy. Channel catfish should provide good fishing opportunities in 2023 as well. There were only a few other groups there. If you havent yet made it to Branson, it is quite the cityand quite the story. and the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission have worked cooperatively to streamline regulations on shared waters to improve fishing. Even after a missed turn or two we still arrived at the river just in time. What a great Monday. By Vivian Wheeler May 2019 James River, Missouri Fishing Report Share 3 Star Fatty Day! V.44.7McCall Bridge.45.0Old Stillhouse Hollow, which is spring fed, on right.46.1Access on left where extension of Hwy. Before the days of Table Rock Dam a five-day float of about 125 miles was available from Galena to Branson, but now little, if any, of the river is floatable below Galena. James River | Missouri Department of Conservation Home Fishing Fishing Regulations Special Waterbody Regulations James River James River Restrictions From Hooten Town bridge (the Loop Road at Route O) to the Highway 413/Highway 265 bridge at Galena Length Limits: Smallmouth bassminimum 15" Daily Limit: Very professional, thorough and organized from the time I called for reservations. 14 Bridge Access.28.3Blue Hole.29.3Rock ledge at old fotd site makes good riffle.31.9Ftazier Bridge on county road. River was a bit crowded, especially for a weekday. This was billed as a "Meet Your Officers & River Clean-up" float for the River Access Coalition group. Keep in mind that we link to these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission we receive from your purchases. We also caught a fair number in the 14 class. Fast run just below. Access under bridge.2.7 Hwy. Despite how much water we had and how fast it was flowing, I had forgotten how many loooong slow pools there were on this stretch of the James. V. Did not stop much due to ample current and flow. This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. It took me a while to figure out how to fish the fluke properly. Weekdays tend to be the best times to be on the James, as the weekends can get quite busy and, at times, a bit rowdy. A short beautiful drive north of West Branson takes you to James River Outfitters. The fishing regulatory body for Missouri is Missouri Department of Conservation . Theres an old saying on wind direction which has many variations but here's the most popular which I'm sure you've heard: Wind from the West, fish bite the best. The. Unsure if the left one is navigable. It flows for some 80 miles in a general southwesterly direction and eventually is gobbled up by Table Rock Lake. John boats 18-24 feet long and 4 feet wide were used long before canoes and kayaks became popular and are amazingly maneuverable craft for their size. There is another section of forest to go through after the raft ride followed by a hay ride back to the campsites. 1/2 mi past the Big Bend Road bridge) then returned back to Shelvin. It flows from northeast Webster County until it is impounded into Table Rock Lake. 46.1 Access on left where extension of Hwy. It takes about three and a half hours in a canoe, which makes it the perfect length to knock out of work early and get out on the water on a weekday. Chris and I cut up a tree obstruction on one particularly tricky run. Murielle suggested I look into some of Venkus Missouri hosts, and soon I came to a listing for a guided smallmouth bass fishing trip in the Ozarks. A beautiful March afternoon to float in SW Missouri! James River Outfitter did not have great reviews and neither did the other operator in the area. More or updated information on this topic can be found at the Missouri Department of Conservation web site located at:mdc.mo.gov. National tournaments target the Walleye. The classic River Trips application is still available for use. Try it now. The kids loved jumping out of the raft and floating along beside us. No Portages, but some dragging, some due to choosing the wrong lines an my first trip on this river. V parallels rivet.46.3Goff Creek on left. AA on right. This group of poachers stole a lot of fish from legal snaggers. 6.8 Joe Crighton Access on right, at Kinser Bridge on Farm Road 164. Counties: Greene, Christian, Scone. Paddled from the US 65 bridge to the US 60 bridge and back. But as luck would have it, with a little bit of guidance Billy and I ended up spending a beautiful fall Sunday catching fish after fish on this beautiful river. The variety and quantity of fish in the James river says a lot about the quality of the fishery. Almost immediately we started getting into some fish, mostly little smallmouth bass eager to strike the flukes we were using. She told our organizer 2 years ago that they were putting in concrete slabs soon; didn't happen. Ready for spring! The James River is located in an historic part of Missouri, near the Wilson Creek Battlefield site that was part of the "War of Northern Aggression" (aka the Civil War), so there is much to see around this stream, as well as the enjoyment derived from paddling its quiet waters. James River Outfitters had quite a few boats and inner tubes on the river. Not safe.23.2Counry road bridge. Saw bald eagles, deer, and a family of beavers swimming in the current. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews. Join for free today to access the capability once available. which means its less optimal fishing time. Copyright 2003 by the Conservation Commission of the State of Missouri. Wind from the East, fish bite the least. The little shop to check in had all the essentials you might need. If so get you'll find all your weather information you'll need over the next seven days. On the river by 0730 with cloudy skies until 1300, then sunny and hot until we were off at 1630. It wasn't a full-on Schmuck-a-rama, but the number of people the Hooten Town outfitters was releasing into the river, it was close. Lake Springfield. It all started after a brief conversation with Murielle Gaither, Founder and CEO of Venku (www.venku.com). Contact Jeff about guiding you on a Float Tube Trip to NW Wisconsin. Thanks for reading! Smallmouth bass were hungry and were caught in eddies close to the current. No access. The James River is a 130-mile-long (210 km) river in southern Missouri. Some anglers still prefer the stability they provide for casting while standing and the comfort of folding arm chairs which they can carry. We were loaded and off the water by 1:30pm. James River Basin Partnerships effort to clean up the river, 2111 S. Eastgate Ave, Springfield MO 65809. A warm December paddle on Lake Springfield that included a beautiful sunset. John boats 18-24 feet long and 4 feet wide were used long before canoes and kayaks became popular and are amazingly maneuverable craft for their size. At the level it was today, we made it through with no walking, but did drag a few places and had to pick our way through a bit. For her very first float in SW Missouri ; to Galena in Spgfld... Data points to make our fishing recommendation a float tube trip to Wisconsin! Happy to be on the water was clear and flowing slowly with only a few times to swim and.... Outfitter did not have great reviews and neither did the other operator in the Area flood event Renee was and! Did not have great reviews and neither did the other operator in the smallmouth special Management Area ( SMA.... Fish any of the rivers of Southwest Missouri, Ryan probably can you. 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