matthew bershadker house

Helping the team grow in all possible dimensions and directions. STUPID,,,,,,!!!!!!! Where employees are making low wages, many are volunteers and can be over worked and understaffed. Good grief! These services also help pet owners keep their pets at home, which is typically the safest place they can be. What a fraud!! Shame on you!! Pay attention to what is going on around you, and if you see something, say something. Not suggesting you should all work for free, but you could supplement many shelters around the USA for what you are overpaying your staff. Do your homework before you spew false information. March 7, 2023 . CBS News spoke to more than two dozen local SPCA's across the country. Vile human beings you are and I hope Karma gets you soon!!!! You may be surprised. . They dont get anything from ASCPA. Local shelters tend to watch expenses closely (but you still want to look at the 990 to make sure). I will be spreading the word about your organization. Holy crap.look at those salaries! Ive been a bit concerned with the amount of advertising I see the ASPCA doing on TV. They are as bad as PETA. Read the science and not what someone tells you is the science. But its clear that modern shelters need to look broadly at the needs of people and pets in their communities versus just the needs of animals in their facilities, focusing more on the causes of animal homelessnesslike financial strain and barriers to resourcesversus the consequences of animal homelessnessnamely, ending up in a shelter or worse. Looks kinda like you have a bunch of money. Spend more on the animals and less on salaries. wouldnt raise my children to be part of a scam outfit. Doesnt the Bible say something to the effect what you do to the least of My Creatures you do unto Me. Matthew Bershadker is president and CEO of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), the first animal welfare organization in America and a national leader in the rescue and protection of at-risk animals. Between 2009 and 2019, the ASPCA made more than $3.2 million selling donor lists. Nor even close. This organization on the other hand is a fraud. This has forced me to make the decision to STOP donating to these charitable organizations! The IRS Form 990 reported $191,000,000 in revenue (of which $164 million came from contributions, gifts, and grants) at the time this post was written. [15] Edwin J. Sayres stepped down as CEO in 2012, and in 2013 longtime ASPCA staff member Matthew Bershadker was named president and CEO. HOW DO YOU ALL SLEPP AT NIGHT? American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Animal Welfare Chicken factory farms animal welfare act Go To Homepage President & CEO, ASPCA Suggest a correction I see shelters adapting to the challenges of COVID-19 by making standard procedures virtualincluding online meet-and-greets and digital paperworkand by enabling foster caregivers to transfer pets directly to new owners, avoiding a shelter visit. You dont need to pay $600,000. I already do a monthly check of $ 200 to the local animal shelter but thought this ASPCA deserved some help also . And, contrary to your statement that vegans are from another planet, they are, in fact, trying to save this planet from people like yourself. Shelter Medicine has also driven critical shelter strategy innovations, including expanded pet retention efforts, increased access to veterinary care, and new approaches to foster care, kitten nurseries, and community cat programs. Humane Society of the United States is awful too with spending their donations on their employees paychecks, but local humanely seem to be a lot better. Matthew E. Bershadker was named president and CEO of American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) in May 2013 [1] and serves on the Global Animal Partnership 's Board of Directors. Quicken Loans Mortgage Review; Rocket . With over 1,000 employees, the ASPCA's mission is to rescue, protect and care for animals in need through a wide range of activities like animal relocation, advocacy, training, legislative and veterinary services. Matthew Bershadker, Bus '01 (MBA), has been named CEO of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Yes,there are several sanctuaries around the country including Farm Sanctuary and Woodstock Farm Sanctuary. I wouldnt give to the ASPCA period. How Much House Can I Afford? Provided her with the info above and she got on the phone with them to stop the monthly charge to her credit card. elizabeth estroff making close to 330,000. todd hendricks the same. That all most so called charities are today. Given that the ASPCA has more than $200 million in net assets, it is unclear why more funds are not spent on programs. Live and learn. This puts tremendous stress on veterinarians who must balance their commitment to help a wide range of pets with their need to sustain their professional practices, which is why supporting themand their commitmentis critical. [16] sources: 15. The 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization was based in New York, New York. Before becoming President and CEO, Matt served the ASPCA as Senior Vice President of ASPCA Anti-Cruelty, Vice President of Development, Senior Director of Major Gifts and Special Events, and Senior Director of Partnership Marketing. START HELPING THESE ANIMALS. $16 million: Eagle-Com, Inc. for media broadcast, $ 7 million: True North, Inc. for media placement, $ 4 million: Patton Kiehl for data processing, $ 3 million: SMS Direct, Inc. for printing services, $ 2 million: Forum Group Services, Inc. for staffing. Everyone should give to local animal shelters. fr***** +1*****00. Greedy people and lack of restraint of how the contributions should spent is the reason I contribute to my local SPCA. I know without a doubt that Henry Bergh would not have agreed with the amount of money that his organization is pocketing instead of putting towards the animals that desperately need it. Matthew E. Bershadker was named president and CEO of American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) in May 2013 and serves on the Global Animal Partnership's Board of Directors. Why would anyone running a rescue be paid over a half million dollars is something I cannot understand. So these poor things get no help but your pockets keep growing. What that survey did not ask was whether donors knew the difference between giving to the ASPCA and giving to other local SPCAs nationwide. I too am shocked and disappointed with how the ASPCA handles its organization and the funding it receives. Located in Weaverville, North Carolina, the Center is the first-ever facility dedicated to providing behavioral rehabilitation to canine victims of cruelty and neglect. The money people donate IS FOR THE ANIMALS!!!!! In our view, local veterinarians and local animal shelters and rescues are ideally working hand-in-hand, and we want to do everything we can to strengthen that relationship to benefit animals, families, and communities. The ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) has announced that it has named Matthew E. Bershadker President and CEO. Keep an eye on the monthly statement These people are sneaky. Give to your local shelter in spite of these blatant crooks. and it becomes bureaucratic and more about growing the organization which costs in terms of buildings, support, benefits, etc. I dont know how the ASPCA gets away with this Its false advertising, manipulative, and just self-centered on paying their bigwigs. I will never donate again and will let all my friends know how shameless this organization is. As of 2016, the ASPCA was founded in 1866 by Henry Bergh. You people are slime. People have been trying for years to expose these scams. Matt: Ive been very impressed to see shelters and rescue organizations looking outside the four walls of their facilities and exploring new and innovative ways to meet pet welfare needs in their communities, including making resources and veterinary care more accessible and affordable, pet behavior modification and rehabilitation services, and providing free pet food and supplies for families facing severe financial challenges. April 27, 2021. I would never give to these crooks.I always knew their weepy commercials were a scam.If you want to help the animals,go to your local humane society and donate your time or much needed supplies. According to the newly released tax returns, ASPCA CEO Matthew Bershadker received about $770,000 in compensation in 2018. Exactly what others have said It is so important to spread the word about this organization to anyone who will listen. I think you are spot on about keeping it local and I tell people this all the time. But I never eceived a receipt for any of these additional donations, and when I cancelled my credit card the ASPCA did not contact me to let me know the next monthly contribution did not go through (as any legitimate organization would do). !when the ceo/president is pulling in $530,000.00 a year and my local animal shelter does not get a dime i really wonder who should be pissed!!! I will not donate again and I have ripped up your address labels and will not advertise for you that way. I REALLY DONT UNDRSTAND WHY YOUR SALARY HAS TO BE OVER A HALF MILLION DOLLARS MR CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD CEO!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are vegans who are vegans because of the cruelty (slaughtering 10 billion animals annually in the US a reality that is hidden from most of the population) in the dairy and animal agriculture industry and there are vegans who are vegan for environmental reasons (the animal agriculture industry is in fact one of the largest contributors, after fossil fuels, to the deterioration of our environment). From my pocket to theirs. The nonprofit told CBS News it spends 77 cents of every dollar on its mission to rescue, protect and care for animals in need, which, in addition to hands-on services, includes expenditures on mission-related public education and engagement. Net assets totaled $207 million at year-end up $9 million from $198 million from the previous year primarily because the ASPCA did not spend as much as they collected (which was mitigated by about $6 million in investment losses). Leading our Data Practice, a collection of consultant engineers and data scientists. Would you believe they billed my credit card again? Matthew Bershadker. Here is the link: You can imagine my disappointment when I saw the huge insentives that were paid and what small percentage actually goes to the animals. You Will Reap What You Sew. The ASPCA is not an umbrella organization for local organizations with SPCA in their names a fact the ASPCA says donors know. After I spoke to someone at the ASPCA and they apologized and said I would not be charged anymore! I was going to donate again but decided to do some research on where the money received is spent. Those of you who work in shelters know first-hand the immense challenges this crisis created for your work and, in many cases, your very existence. (and before anyone says I will you wont because you dont have the skills or connections to raise nearly a million dollars a day). Imagine what a real animal rescue operation could do with $200,000,000.00 dollars a year The HSUS is no better nor is PETA .. Theyre all corporate rescues that spend the bulk of the money on advertisement and personel salaries -pension funds and employee benefits. Any characterization that suggests all of our work is not in service of our mission is wrong and an injustice to our staff, donors, the organizations we partner with, and the animals we serve. The rooster of these employees reads like a pro sports team. ASPCA President Matt Bershadker Seeks Revision to CDC Ban on Importation of Dogs. Matt Bershadker, ASPCA President and CEO, joined Yahoo Finance to discuss the surge in the number of households that added pets during COVID-19. ASNA, in particular, has been a national leader in high-quality, high-volume spay/neuter surgery since 2004, with training programs available for veterinary students, licensed veterinarians, and medical teams. People Like Matt Bershadker . This list is unreal! As stated in the post, they spent $15 million on operating supplies, $4 million on veterinary and medical services, and transport, and $14 million on grants (1,288 grants were given to 844 organizations with 315 non-profits (501 (c) (3)s) receiving more than $5,000. THIS MESSAGE IS FOR YOU (ASPCA) PLEASE INVEST IN THE ANIMAL NOT YOURSELVES. I thought the money was for the well being of the animals.The ceo, mathew bershadlker making over $500,000 is repulsive. A Board Member of the Global Animal Partnership, Matt received his Master of Business Administration degree from Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications from Ohio University. 23 key executives were given $6 million in compensation (although $416,660 were severance payments to two former employees and $191,66 was for consulting services for the former President and CEO): 13 of the 23 (57%) most highly compensated employees are female while 10 (43%) are male. In 2019, the ASPCA's CEO Matt Bershadker made more than $840,000. Ive read enough to know the heart of this organization is not on animals, its on the almighty buck!??! Angst at the ASPCA. As documented in our latest available filings and audited financial statements, 77 cents of every dollar reported as an expenditure on the ASPCA's 2019 Form 990 advances the ASPCA's mission through lifesaving programs and services around the country. Theyre all taking in small to large fortunes in the name of something, but when you start digging into what theyre really up to and where the money goes, most of it goes into CEOs and employees wages and benefits. These organizations have forgotten why they were formed, to rescue abused animals, to bring down puppy mills and to stop dog fighting rings, and to speak for those who cant! I am VERY MUCH AN ANIMAL PERSONI LOVE ANIMALS. In that time, it has spent $146 million, or about 7% of the total money raised, in grants to local animal welfare groups. I am so glad to hear that less people are donating after hearing how little of the money goes to the animals. In other words, for every dollar raised, 17 cents was paid to the fundraiser while 83 cents was given to the ASPCA. Our money is not really going to the animals but rather someones pocket! A new president, Matthew E. Bershadker, was named in May. They need to be put out of business. No more donationshere in our area are several organations that help our sea turtles, wild animals and domestic animalsif we give the good guys more money they can help those who REALLY work hard and who use the money of we, who work hard for our money, donatenot using the funds to put a soft cushion under their hind ends. Its completely Shameless is what it is. well i wont be donating to them anymore.their ceo makes more than the president of the usa.. this is wrong. There is no honor with such people whom I find despicable. You give nothing to these poor animals. Do your homework. Matthew Bershadker - $762,997 - (President & CEO) - Weekly Salary $14,673 (As of 12/2019) Doctors Without Borders. training for other professionals, as well as advocacy for animal . that is very alarming that so little goes to the welfare of the animal and so much goes to the managements wallets. I must say your commercials are very convincing. Bershadker declined CBS News' request for an interview, but in response to questions posed to the nonprofit, the ASPCA's Senior Vice President of Communications Elizabeth Estroff wrote, "the ASPCA's CEO compensation is evaluated and benchmarked every year by an outside consultant." About the Speakers Spooner has been a member of the ASPCA's board of directors since 2004, most recently serving as vice chair. In 2019, the ASPCA's CEO Matt Bershadker made more than $840,000. Ed Sayres,. "I wish that they could do some soul searching within the organization and understand that their massive efforts to draw support from around the country to support their own efforts and the issues that they wish to focus on, does hinder the ability for local organizations like ourselves to do the good work that we do. It was not. YOU MUST REALLY LOVE THE ANIMALS SO MUCH YOU STEAL FROM THEM. New York, New York, United States . A well established veterinarian who dedicated his life on helping people and their pets (family members) do not come close to making your salary. Check out their Form 990 (or send me a message and I will quickly review it and get back to you). How can any agency be called a non-profit with this type of record? These facts are too hard to even comprehend. The ASPCA says $192 million of the current net assets is properly held in reserve for 9-months operating expenses, in case of emergencies. Fraud and theft come to mind. You should all rot in a very hot spot for the money you rip off from the caring public and STEAL from the animals. Especially since many donations come from people who are just trying to make ends meet for his / her own survival. Most of these so called non profits are nothing but scam organizations. Update: To read How is Revenue is Spent at the ASPCA (2016), click here. I check out any organization now before I donate. Greed at the expense of animal safety . Matthew Bershadker did earn $800K=, and yes high, but he oversaw $270,000,000.00+ in fundraising & nearly 1,000 employees making his salary total compensation package 0.36% of the gross annual budget. ASPCApro: Have you seen similar changes in animal shelters? According to the nonprofit's tax returns, the ASPCA took in nearly $280 million in 2019. Its unfortunate that some people take advantage to profit from an organization founded for such a worthy cause. This includes things that include appeals for donations like telemarketing and direct mailings. What a scam!!! This page is not available in other languages. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, "Help turn kitten season into foster season",, This page was last edited on 7 December 2022, at 14:35. He has spoken before Congress in Washington, D.C. and given public testimony before the New York City Council on many critical issues, including ensuring proper funding for New York City shelters and advocating for legislation to protect dogs and cats sold in city pet stores. YOU NED TO BE INVESTIGATED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW. after reviewing this I am sickened so much could have been done for the animals. "Personally, I don't put too much emphasis on one person's salary," Mittendorf said, but there was a caveat. Sooooooo. Im totally disgusted with all of you in upper management,! "The major problems that most SPCAs have is that the ASPCA does not fund these agencies," Rogers told CBS News chief investigative correspondent Jim Axelrod. Their real agenda is anti- meat , anti- animal agriculture and anti -animal slavery as they call it aka pet ownership.. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) was the first humane society to be established in North America and is, today, one of the largest in the world. My credit card did that as well But the ASPCA billed them/me from other sites with other phone numbers. To effectively address the challenges that animals face each day, the ASPCA operates in three core program areas: ANTI-CRUELTY. Self advertising. No way I will send money to them now . I volunteer for and donate to a golden retriever rescue organization and donate to our local Humane Society and San Antonio Pets Alive. Functional expenses (net of depreciation) totaled $171 million (90% of revenue) spent as follows: Details on the above include the following reported information: The ASPCA has 953 employees. an "AC Paradigm Shift". Never would have donated to them had I known so very little goes to the animals. In terms of grants, please know that just because a grant is made, it doesnt mean the shelter in your area received it. In 2020, Matt began overseeing a strong legislative push to stop the cruel puppy mill pipeline by ending the sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits in pet stores across New York State. Yr CEO GETS way too much money snd the actual animal gets hardly anything spent on them i will never give a dime to the aspca and i tell everyone who listens not to showing them what the CE O and others make from our donations I encourage everyone to give to their local shelters by bringing them useful things food toys litter bleach and sanitizers u prople should be ashamed of yr selves, Very sad we will send our money to shelters. Today's guest post is written by Matt Bershadker, President and CEO of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), which celebrated its 150th Birthday in 2016. Peter Abbay. $14 million (8% of revenue): Grants (1,288 grants were given to 844 organizations with 315 non-profits (501 (c) (3)s) receiving more than $5,000. Ill redirect to a no-kill shelter where I know how my money is spent. Where do I send my resume to become a CEO for this place I love the pay I can go to work right now and I have more than the qualifications for it just dont have to have any kind of worry about ripping people off I guess I think I could figure out how to get that way but I guess I could learn as I go along or have some of those Past Masters teach me LOL. I have also made donations of various amounts in the past. Over $150 million of that went to Eagle-Com Inc, a Canadian media production company, to produce and place ASPCA's ads. So disappointed. Prior to joining the ASPCA, Bershadker worked for ICF Consulting, Share our Strength[4] and Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network[5]. I have donated to the Aspca for many years. Its a money laundering operation almost as bad as the Clintons & their Haiti charity. Would anyone like to start a charity to do what they say they do. They are horrible. Please take those commercials off. I am an ASCPA supporter and Im actually doing a paper for college and found this. "In our minds, the more money we could raise, the more animals we could help. NEW YORK, May 2, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The ASPCA (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) today announced that it has named Matthew E . Pitty the animals who are not being helped,and the people who give money to charity scams. Ill give to A No Kill shelter. There should be a way to shut this outfit down. This is totally disgusting and as heartbreaking as their commercials. Drive apace out of business. The ASPCA says the vast majority of donor dollars go directly toward its mission, but a CBS News investigation found there are questions about whether the money is going where donors expect. For what? Disgusting. A 501 (c) (3), the ASPCA files an IRS Form 990 annually which provides financial information on the organization to the public. An informational website that covers food, innovative products, books, culture, education, travel, and life experiences. The ASPCA was established in 1866 by diplomat and animal welfare activist Henry Bergh in New York, where the organization still has its headquarters and offers the majority of its hands-on animal services, including sheltering, assisting with abuse investigations and spay/neuter surgeries. You prey on the people to donate and help the abused and neglected animals but more than 99.99% goes to salaries and understandably some expenses. Animal and so MUCH goes to the welfare of the LAW billed them/me from sites. Of my Creatures you do unto me but you still want to look the... So called non profits are nothing but scam organizations but you still want to look the. 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