Furthermore, Ibaraki boasts surprisingly good durability in spite of her Berserker class weakness thanks to her combination of Healing/Debuff Cleanse and her large defense buff, which synergize incredibly well with the common top supports. Her NP has a base 80% charm rate, which can be boosted up to 120% (essentially guaranteeing the effect for many enemies). On the flip side, his skill cooldowns are very high. Let her stick to mowing the lawn. Aside from that, Kiyohime sadly does not provide anything of particular relevance, although she does pack high NP generation potential for a Berserker. His survivability is a trait that very few Berserkers in the game can boast, further cementing his simple but effective gameplay. https://appmedia.jp/fategrandorder/5448943. Her skill cooldowns are also fairly long and her Guts is often ignored for its NP Charge. He is capable of reaching 100% debuff resist, although this also will cause all buffs on him to miss for the next three turns; he has a buff that increases his ATK while decreasing his own DEF when normal attacking up to 3 times, and additionally can grant 20 stars upon death. Drag and drop items from the bottom and put them on your desired tier. With his buffs lasting for a single turn and often delayed to hit the right timing, Yagyu Munenori typically lacks the on-demand damage potential of competing Sabers such as Lancelot (Saber). Either way, Paul Bunyan does everything a low rarity Servant ought to do. His NP itself is capable of piercing through pesky Evasion and Defense skills. Still, whether used on her own or in the context of an Arts team, shes a formidable asset to have, capable of inflicting high damage that ignores most of her foes'defensive measures. Furthermore, Erics usefulness is massively reduced if Masters do not have any form of Starting NP Gauge Craft Essences or Servants who can provide NP gauge for him. While her AOE damage output is her main attraction, Frankie has small uses in other scenarios, including a targetable stun on a decent cooldown and the capacity to generate a large sum of stars on her NP turn for her allies. Fuumas damage, however, suffers as a consequence, as he lacks any form of steroid to bolster up his already poor attacking prowess. Her charge is tied to her defensive tool, which is a 1-turn Evade. On the contrary, by virtue of having neutral damage against the majority of opponents and a lack of a consistent damage buff, Saint Marthas damage is fairly lackluster against enemies that are unaffected by Jacobs Limb. It is quite apt to called Emiya (Alter) the four-star equivalent of Altria Pendragon (Archer). She also provides someteam support with passive stars per turn and a defense down, but only at a moderate level. Although she provides decent utility, she suffers most from her poor ATK stat being a 1 star Servant, so her effectiveness leaves some to be desired. Double Servant compositions are considered.All 5* Servants are excellent! Last but not least, Cu has very poor availability compared to other low rarity Servants due to his status as a Story Locked Servant; thus, on average, most players will end up with a lower NP level Cu Caster. She also has an Evade as her defensive skill, which provides her with a Critical Damage boost. Their performance often vastly outpaces those of lower rarities and each of them is worth investing in. Melammu Dingir is also a powerful NP, simultaneously raising the teams defence and reducing the enemys for a solid duration, on top of a high hit count - ideal for stalling teams as well. The resulting critical hits also vastly improves her NP generation capacity thanks to her three Arts cards. Because of her well-roundedness, Nero Bride is also a good backline member to bring out when a frontliner fall in battle, as she can fulfill either Support and/or DPS duty in their stead. Gilles Saber is definitely not someone who fits in any common mold. Click on "Info" for a summary on each Servant's tier list placement! He is highly unique and has some fun potential for Masters who enjoy trying out more niche Servants. In exchange, her first skill gives her up to 10% NP Gauge for every Curse stack she has available. Luckily for him, Buster Servants are one of the easier Servant types to support properly. In terms of farming, she is one of the weaker Caster farmers as a result of her low damage. Servants with decent performance that are somewhat less self-sufficient. where high-damage units might be desirable. Overall, Leonidas is a valuable low rarity Servant who will prove his worth often in Challenge Quests or if some combination of defensive and offensive Buster support is necessary. and our Catto, Dress Key #63, to be precise. To top off his arsenal, his NP will further increase ATK for allies for three turns based on overcharge, provide some damage cut to all allies, decrease NP Charge of enemies by 1, and decrease critical rate of all enemies. The downside being it only works once, so won't be as effective in longer fights. It additionally grants Debuff Immunity and HP regen for all allies. His AoE stalling potential is so severe that he can guide an Arts team through some of the most challenging multi-enemy fights that exist. Still, her pure damage performance by herself is rather lackluster, being dependent on supports to bring her up to par with competing Berserker. In fact, Masters with a strong selection in CEs can massively boost his damage output in order to clear even third wave enemies. The tier list is therefore just a comparison tool to judge these Servants by their relative performance. With high base attack, a decent steroid, single target Noble Phantasm, good NP generation and some utility to boot, he seems to have many things going for him. Trading her signature Excalibur for her divine spear, Altria Pendragons performance has definitely improved. Low Rarity AoE Sabers are hard to find in Fate Grand Order, as the class is infamous for having no bronze Servants. Should I try to make a team out of those 2? In addition, Jekyll is a lot more dependent on skill levels than most Servants, which means Masters need to spend quite a lot of resources to reveal his ultimate potential. Packing a strong Single Target Buster NP, NP Charging over time, heavy team support and stalling utility, as well as Amakusas buff removal beforeher NP activates, Abigail should have all the essential ingredients for a remarkable performance. Fielding Caligula is usually not worthwhile given there are other Berserker alternatives but dedicated Masters can extract some incredibly juicy damage out of him with the right team composition. Gawains skill set is as straightforward as his play style. Nahida Support. Maid Alter, Jack, Scathach, Enkidu, Okita, etc.. Kind of outdated list, really. It should be noted that a large part of her rating comes from her kit's innate and unique meta resilience, since given her NP-type shifting capability, she is capable of staying relevant even when the best Support options available may change. Her skill kit is mostly focused on self buffs, including Arts, Crit Damage, Crit Star Gather, Sure Hit, Death Success Rate Up, and an anti-Servant damage bonus. His NP gains bonus damage based on how many Roman trait stacks are on the enemy, and he has multiple ways to continually stack the Roman trait on enemies up to 10 times. Most notably, she competes with everyones favorite eggplant Servant as an easily accessible defense buffer. Next to her farming potential, Jeanne dArc (Alter Santa Lily) also packs some nice healing support both from her targetable healing skill and her NPs Overcharge. Additionally, Fair Youth is often a dead skill due to its unreliability and poor range of targets. The cute but deadly Kiyohime (Lancer) has a straightforward and highly offense-oriented skill set. Regrettably, she does not have much to offer to the team due to her lackluster Caster damage output and a lack of teamwide utilities on her skills. Despite rarely being the pick of choice for damage due to her classing, her solid kit and respectable damage make her a great Servant to have in the roster. While the image of a typical Berserker may be that of reckless rampage and mindlessness, Ibarakis approach is more measured than is typical in an otherwise-chaotic class. One taunt provides her with 1-turn invincibility, while the other charges her own NP gauge by 20%. Wtf?? While his lack of NP Charge lessens his potential as a farming unit, the damage and utility the Emperor of Lightning provides are more than enough to make up for it. Craft Essences [Quick] Press the labels to change the label text. She also comes with an ever handy 50% NP Charge, giving her quicker access to her NP. An epitome of a modern knight, Chevalier DEon specializes in protecting their allies. But, as capricious as her personality, this Emperor of Roses performance is highly volatile. "Life is full of all kinds of emotions, not knowing what the future holds that's happiness. She comes with a taunt, self defense buffs, and Guts. Being a welfare, she provides easier access to 100% Buff Removal Resist for an ally, which is an ability otherwise locked behind other limited or story-locked Servants. Overall, although somewhat lacking in damage, Voyager is a solid AoE Quick Foreigner that offers a generous amount of party support in addition to some wave clearing ability. Her NP itself has the special ability to do more damage the more Mental Debuffs the enemy has, and her 3rd skill gives a few stacks depending on its rank when used. As a result, David is mainly a highly flexible support hybrid who excels at supporting powerful friend support Servants, yet, if need be, he can still offer some decent damage on the side. Next to helping out with the ever-present QP farming of Doors, hisNP Charge also helps out while farming Events at speed and while potentially carrying some Event CEs of his own. Once transformed with his Noble Phantasm, Jekyll becomes a monster Damage Dealer with an outstanding HP pool to boot. Note:After his second Rank Up (February 2022), Caesar's potential NP Damage is incredible, competing in damage output with even 5* rarity Servants. Packing fantastic NP generation and powerful NP refund, Emiya (Alter) can spam his strong defense-piercing Arts Noble Phantasm on a frequent basis. Just write your own guide lol. One look at Altria Pendragon (Lancer Alter) baseline stats is enough to impress any Master, and she combines her high attackwith a solid hyper-offensive skill set that can devastate any enemies standing in her way. Both his star generation and NP gain are lacking, often necessitating support from his team members to properly exhibit his worth. Her NP is notable for ignoring Invincible/Evade effects before dealing damage, and also gives her a small Buster buff before damage. Lacking powerful long-lasting self-buffs and possessing a lackluster Attack stat, Marthas damage output leaves much to be desired. But, its her NP that makes her truly shine. Even outside of difficult content, or any poor Berserker enemies, her ability to refund and charge her NP can even land her a spot during farming sessions. While he can achieve rather impressive numbers against the right enemies, his damage output against either Non-Evil or non-Human enemies is pretty much nonexistent, and his NP generation and Star Generation are on the lower side amongst Assassins. Kiyohime is another member of the F2P farming club. However, he has no options when it comes to hard survival skills, making him entirely dependent on support for defensive options. His accessibility and simplicity make him quite beginner friendly. Her Noble Phantasm is notable for having three trait bonuses (Neutral, Human attribute, Shadow Servant), which provide decent coverage and come into use quite often. She also can grant herself Debuff Immunity and increase her star gathering for 1 turn, with a rather novel (but niche) 40% chance to remove debuffs when normal attacking for a single turn. As good as her upsides are, Nursery Rhyme suffers from the fundamental flaw of every damage dealing Caster: her low Attack stat and weak Caster attack modifier. After her upgrade, she additionally deals bonus damage against Heaven attribute enemies, which can stack with her anti-Divine damage, giving her better usage cases. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Her welfare status grants her a high NP level, which along with her standard Buster steroid will tend do be sufficient for medium health wave clearing. Craft Essences; ATK & DEF; Buff+Debuff; Command Card; Critical; HP; NP; Max Bond; MISC; Anniversary; . It is unfortunate that his meme potential is quite high, because it would take an enormous amount of effort to even make him as usable as a standard 3* Caster. Overall, Altria Ruler leaves some to be desired, although her upgrade greatly increases her usability and the value of her gimmick. Cleopatra is easily among the best AoE Assassins in the game. The benefits she brings to the team are usually not worth all of these downsides, as she requires particular team compositions to work well in, while her paper-thin defense increases her unreliability. Additionally, even with all his buffs active, his damage is somewhat middling without his Cards, making him dependent on Arts or other offensive support for consistent wave clearing. While the Empress herself may not be a true powerhouse as of right now, she receives a much-needed upgrade to her Noble Phantasm in the future, bringing her closer to top tier Assassin options. In fact, the charm strategy occurs often enough against male bosses that Delightworks frequently adds a Charm Immunity to certain male bosses to prevent the strategy from working entirely. Far from being just a token character for story purposes, Mash is a highly reliable support Servant. She also notably has a passive that makes her unable to die from Curse damage (surviving with 1 HP). Black Holy Grail. She has a Quick/Arts/Critical Strength buff of modest values, a Star Gather / Debuff Immune / Buff Removal Resist buff, and most notably a 2-time Guts lasting 3 turns that comes with a small NP charge. Yet, it is her Buff Removal after NP that grants her a very welcome niche for various Challenge Quests. Finally, his first skill is a ATK buff, with an extra bit of bonus DEF for himself. She provides ATK, Star Drop, Crit Strength, and Buff Success Rate support to the party, and can provide Invincibility, HP Regen, and Damage Cut to an ally. She also provides an ATK bonus to all allies. At launch he likely one of the strongest servants in the game, due to being the only 5 star Berserker (with stats to match). A CE that grants overcharge an 50% NP gauage, a godsend for servants that rely on overcharge for increase effects. Thisputs a damper on her relative value. Her skills can provide a single target with up to 50% NP Gauge, and the remaining members with 30% NP Gauge, enabling quick access to Noble Phantasms for the party. However be will truly shine when Tamamo no Mae is released, who will allow him to repeatedly use his NP to great effect. Ushiwakamaru does have some notable drawbacks, namely her poor deck layout and very low hit counts resulting in a combination of subpar damage, NP and Star generation on her normal cards. Furthermore, she is dependent on card draws to pull her singular Arts card to reach peak performance, which may not be particularly reliable in every quest attempt. Altria now has a Ruler class incarnation, complete with a bunny costume and an AoE Buster NP. Tesla is a fantastic farming Servant thanks to his instant NP charge and high damage AoE Noble Phantasm. He also comes with a 30% NP Gauge charge move that also provides stars and a Crit Star Drop Rate buff, making him an effective farmer.

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