One thing Im not seeing here and everyone seems to be forgetting is that dogs feed off of our emotions and moods. Has anyone tried Prozac and seen ZERO changes? I have a reactive German Shepherd female who just turned 3. However, the MDR1 gene mutation can be fatal when affected Aussies are exposed to medications like Trifexis and Ivermectin for dogs (among many other medications). Have you been prescribed meds like Prozac or Valium for your dog? Very much appreciated. I have not noticed any particular triggers for his sudden aggression. He's 12 lbs. She recommended a DVM that specializes in behavioral medicine. Sammy was simply bored, undertrained, underexercised, and understimulated. Please help!!! Also, he is neutered. Given her anxiety, we have worked with various trainers, tried different supplements, calming collars, CBD etc with little success. He def sees my husband as pack leader, as he will cower a bit to him if he gets onto him, but when he gets human food, he's even attacked my husband. I think we know why now. We adopted our Aussie when she was 1.5 yrs old though. Sammy started chewing the carpet. He has bitten someone. I don't understand and my mom wants to get rid of her because we don't know what to do. I ripped him off of her (hes almost 55 pounds) and he then bit my hand. What a difference this has made. Medicine for pain, arthritis, or inflammation can cause your dog to easily bruise or bleed when mixed with fluoxetine. Simply click here to return to Australian Shepherd Q & A. Cuba is an anomaly in many ways, but hes my anomaly and dammit, I love him! I've had my mini aussie since she was 1 month old. If none of the above yields any answers you need to consider it a behavioral problem, and find a reputable local trainer who can give you their opinion on this behavior firsthand. I have a lot of grandchildren and she simply can no longer be around them because she is bigger and so strong and so excited to see them and jumps and nips. So, we never know when she's strike. She has had no previous association with anything or anyone bad sowhy? He was the meanest dog on the block. I work with humans with nervous system impacts from crisis trauma that have psychological impacts. On average, males weigh between 50 and 65 pounds . In general, aggression in dogs can be caused by many things, such as fear, dominance, territoriality, and/or excitement. Over the past six months he has become a demon dog. These Puppies nip all the time. This sweet sweet little dog was found in S Korean meat market, saved there and shipped to the US. 1, Craiova, jud. Our trainer noticed this right away and said you need to watch his eyes, if he gets his eyes fixed on someone or an animal that we have to snap him out of it. But never attackingto kill the other. At almost exactly 3 months of having him, he is now completely settled in our home and everything we read this 3 month mark is where they feel comfortable with their pack and can get very protective and even aggressive and this 3 month mark. Crystal said that the meds helped make Maisy more responsive to learning. So I dont know how to break her of this. I would discourage anyone considering this breed for city life. Training and medication must go hand-in-hand. However my neutered Eli is still a threat to others and dogs. Could there be something that is encouraging or stimulating his aggressiveness? In one night within about 1/2 hr. I'm sorry you're going through that. He started out all sweet and friendly, super obedient and a wonderful companion to our children. However, now we fear people coming to our house. Smart dogs need consistent work. Basically it's fear that makes a dog aggressive or seem aggressive. It seems like a nervous breakdown but I am not finding much of that on the internet! I have to say that these changes happened over night one day he was scared but manageable and normalish lounging around with lots of naps pets and walks and the next he was a hot mess. One thing you need to be careful of is letting your Aussie not allow people to hug you or sit near you. He also has a pronged choak collar that seems to be the only thing that keeps him behaving and it is not because it hurts him it's because it is not tight all the time. He as siting on my husbands lap when one incident happened and the person put her face in his face so that was not a good idea. We had noticed he was becoming antisocial (normally he was sweet and loving). I kept a Home Depot bag on my hips filled with treats on my walk. Remind yourslef emotions are watched by the dog. There are plenty of articles being published about it now in veterinary journals. these dogs belong on a farm. He has been adopted out 3 x and always gets returned because of this. Stay happy and smile (even through the difficult times) and you'll find that your dog will want to listen more. Does anyone have a similar story or recommendations? But when he is locked in I feel like im trying to get the attention of a 45 pound 2 yr old who is throwing a very dangerous tantrum. I adopted my mini Australian Shepherd at 5 months old. He literally attacks over human food (doesn't get aggressive at all with dog food). He is very fearful of everything and everyone. When she walks the ball back to me I know she is good. I'm sorry to know about your situation! He will grow out of this. This is just a phase. Somehow, I convinced myself things that I knew to be untrue were true - I know that dogs rarely grow out of, and almost always grow into, behavior problems. He used to be socialized when he was young playing and rounding up all the kids. Fluoxetine usually comes in 10 mg or 20 mg tablets, and your vet will let you know how to give a precise dose. The drug has several uses for treating conditions in dogs such as behavioral problems, separation anxiety, fear, and aggression. At night they were busy raising the human children in. Aussies make some of the best companions to families too. I have attributed a lot of this to her just being an intense dog. BUT take a step back, look at yourself. My dog has been the same. This is how I fixed it when nothing would work. She also has an anti anxiety pill she can take when we have company over. Is your dog afraid of male people or female people? Over time, Ollie has seemed to "overcome" his rocky beginning with my husband. She is a model citizen and has no problems tolerating the medication. You must truly make a sacrifice of your time and pleasures for the things you love, and stick to your commitments. We had a very difficult time with him a couple of weeks after we got him. Good luck to you! At the dog park he will play ball and swim in the lake for hours having the greatest time.Once in a great while I will see that look come over him like hes about to attack but all I have to do is call him to divert his attention. He just turned one and I have to say is getting better. We aren't sure if we should increase the dose again, or ween her off and try another approach. But to own a dog like that and perhaps taking it out for a walk or it getting loose, it could attack another animal or person. He is 10 and the alpha dog. I need some help. I am starting that with my 10 month old Aussie. family. What do I do. He is about 7 1/2 months old now and he is a great little animal. Hes very energetic so it can be overwhelming at times but I will take him on long walks and try to get him around other animals. I would like opinions. This foster dog I work with jumps through the roof when an earring falls on the floor and it sounds like your dog may be in that same camp. Ill talk more soon about what was covered at Cubas vet visit, his treatment plan, and about the stigma related to using meds to help those dogs and humans alike suffering from mental illnesses. He comes from an outstanding breeder anf has never been abused. He will growl at black or native American's who get too close to us but doesn't go after them any further. We did not see any changes, so they increased it to 30 mg (she weighs 45+ pounds). The play alot but every once in awhile, she zones out and tries to destroy the puppy. It works by inhibiting reuptake of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Unfortunately, I had to leave her tied to the fence on the patio, which I thought would be okay, since I was a mere 2 yards away. We don't have much money and hundreds and hundreds of dollars have gone to her! Being consistent and working her everyday some days is still not enough. Aussies have the greatest personalities. Incredibly affectionate and sweet towards our family. I want my dog to listen and come every time I call! we were given 20 mg to give twice a day. Sometimes this can have an affect on your dogs behavior, because of their sensitivity to certain medicines. she left our garage, bit our neighbor twice, ran after a car and then went to the neighbors dog that was tied up and terrified it all the while not hearing my husband screaming at her. We play fetch most of the time in the yard with rope toys, we play tug of war, I try my best to make it competitive and he sleeps right smack in the middle of the bed with me and my husband. Good luck. We adopted a year old male Austrian Shepherd. My house was secure with him home. I have been told it is there personality. Have you tried a spray bottle with water and a little vinegar. He's pretty good for the most part. He absolutely suffers from PTSD and increasing noise phobia exacerbated by my loud neighborhood in East oakland. How to Help a Nervous Dog Overcome His Fears, Q&A with Lessons in Chemistry Author Bonnie Garmus About My Current Favorite Fictional Dog, Six-Thirty, The Daring and Devoted Doberman Pinscher: Breed information, history and fun facts, Beagle Dog Breed Information: Temperament, Training and Pictures, 2016 Reader Survey Sweepstakes Official Rules, Dogster Magazine Subscription Maintenance, Editors Choice Awards 2022 Dogster Approved. Can this actually happen that two lifelong friends could suddenly lose all perception of each other by the transformation that happened with the unrequested shaving? Female Australian Shepherds are smaller, tipping the scales at 40 to 55 pounds with heights between 18 and 21 inches. I am searching for any suggestions about training. I have to choose their vaccinations first. That was it. He had "nipped" at the previous owners 5 yr old child, who had cornered the dog. there may be exceptions, where some aussies are great city dogs, but I don't see the need for the risk. We weren't going to keep him because we didn't need another dog and he sheds so much but we feel in love with him. As she came towards me I wod tell her to sit. It appears to be happening more often. I tried many trainers and programs, even a dog shrink and medication. Sounds like your dog see all these situations as a threat. Finally, the dose was doubled and NoraLee is much better. I'm not saying it will work for all, but if your dog loves a ball try it out. She now gets plenty of training and exercise. I owned and operated a horse stables and clinic breeding the best that we could. I make him wait and we feed ourselves first. love him unconditionally and if he doesnt like others jsut tell people dont touch him. I, Kate! 3 weeks ago we adopted an Australian Shepard Theo from our local shelter. Her mom developed milk issues and couldn't nurse her pups.I kept her around people daily til she was almost a yr. She became snippy and would growl. It was extremely difficult to redirect him and my kids started to be afraid of him. Did your dog get better? he's an amazing dog and he's very loving with myself and my husband we also have a female who is five and a half and they've been together since they were puppies she is terrified everybody but she welcomes everyone in a loving way. Even if she doesn't work out for you, there are ways for her to be adopted, I don't think she needs to die. After much research on the internet I decided to take the situation into my own hands and start Prozac at a very low initial 10mg dose. Thank you so much for your comments, as you really do feel like something went wrong, when you know you have socialized and exposed them and trained them to the best of your ability. When the dog makes a nose touch contact with the person, click and give praise and treat. So, for example, a 30-pound dog would probably get somewhere between15 and 27 mg per day. It was a hard decision to make but I let my family know that I didnt blame them for saying they wouldnt come around anymore but I felt I needed to do right by my dog. I had a standard poodle who would not go around here. How do I stop her from biting the other dog? He has been on Prozac for 4 weeks and I believe there is hope now. I got nico when he was 8 weeks old. There has been no change in his appetite or his activity level. I knew she would be more of a challenge than most other dogs. They are a little crazy, unstable emotionally. I am also on Zoloft. I now work just one job and it seems to have gotten worse. Australian Shepherds come in these four accepted coat colors: Black Blue Merle Red Red Merle You might have noticed the title stating there are 14 different Aussie colors. But lets get the discussion going now. monitoring_string = "c1299fe10ba49eb54f197dd4f735fcdc", given in a dosage of 0.5 to 0.9 mg per pound. He and his sister were in a kennel for 18 hours flying. One without the other is a lot like chili with no cornbread it misses the point. I made such a terrible choice in selecting this breed. No apparent reason. We got that fixed after a month. Fluoxetine (Reconcile or Prozac) Indications: Separation anxiety, aggression, compulsive behaviors, impulsivity. The TV, a bird, a dishwasher, a washing machine, a weedeater, a lawnmower -even the sound of rain anything that made noise turned him into a uncontrollable maniac. I love Eli but I cant have friends over unless we take several walks . The color of its coat is usually chocolate, brown, gold, speckled, brindle, and spotted with black and white. How? Two different owners had already given up on him. I love him to death though. She hid behind my husband recently when they came across a possum. I feel awful that he isnt comforted by me. I was 18 when i got my australian shepherd i am now 26 and it has had its rough moments. Miss him every day now for two years. ( college). We are at wits end with this little guy. We have a 6 month old lab mix. It seemed from what I read, the good traits outweighed the potentially bad traits. They can be so frustrating. Everyone in my extended family wanted her put down. The breed is also prone to hip dysplasia . Mine is on his 5th day. He's still a bit cautious but has gotten a lot better at strangers coming by us. Its been a rough 2+ years. I also read about the traits of hearding and "nipping." For the most part Jake is super playful and loving to people and dogs. Its put a strain on us as my partner is gone a lot through work and I cant join because we cant be gone more than a few daysthe pet sitter is unable to walk him, hes too aggressive towards other animals and people and bikes and cars (he bit the tire on my Jeep the other day). We have fixed him, brought him to trainers recommended by the vet, and give him hours and hours of exercise and to no avail he still bites. He could be playing with you one minute then the next growling and going into "attack mode". Also, he watches TV like a human, barks at animals on the screen, and gets upset if theres shouting or violence on Midsomer Murders, our favorite show. I have a male Aussie. I may be wrong but this is how I truly feel. Which is out of character since she can be very aggressive. have a sit and give him a treat. lol. If any do thinks it outranks you in your "pack" then you will have trouble controlling it and it will do as it pleases most of the time. Although they are around people and dogs all the time, they are very protective of their momma. Have you considered a shock collar? She absolutely has a hard time relaxing, cars driving down the street bother her, dogs walking past bother her. Hes finally starting to trust us, but its tough. not at all what we envisioned when we brought her home as a puppy. A Confession: Im a Dog Trainer Who Put Her Dog on Prozac. I had read about them, I had a rescue for a bit. Our Aussie was socialized very young. She has attacked extended family and friends in the mindset that she is protecting us and our home. She was extremely protective, I was her human. At first he was loving and playful with our other three dogs. one day, he did not want to go outside, he would not budge, we would carry him out, and the slightest noise, car starting to sirens and he would hitail it back to our door, ANY noise! Red zone aggressiveness needs training, but don't lose hope! He is 4. The other times the kids were standing quietly in our house. We've scheduled an appt to have him fixed next week hoping that will help. My Australian Shepherd Is Very Aggressive And I Need Help by random (WI) Have an Aggressive Dog? Be like, "Yay! What do I mean by that? Australian Shepherd Physical Characteristics Australian Shepherds are solid, muscular dogs. You will find a huge difference in the way they walk with one of these, much less pulling and therefore less tension in the dog. He just recently turned two. Anyway, husbands hand had major bite wound and he ended up in ER. Then the biggest issue is his aggression when he's gotten into food from the table or counter - or our kids laps. After a while of doing that, teach him/her a Go Greet command. Unfortunately he has bitten my niece and nephew 9 and 3 and my daughter age 22. As a dog responds to behavior modification, dosage of the drug is weaned away. Check out Zaks you tubes. I would highly recommend trying this drug for inappropriate marking and OCD behavior. We got our aussie when she was 6 weeks old. They see everything as a threat. Once dogs start being the follower, they then follow rules and stop trying to make the rules.. I don't know what to do anymore. The immersion training seems extreme for this sweet dog as hes already been in very rough real experiences as a meat market product. This medication is meant to be prescribed alongside behavior modification training. Labs, believe it or not, love putting their mouths on stuff - it is what they were bred to do. Fluoxetine is for short-term use until a condition is manageable without it. She is well exercised so that is not the issue! and a "terror" to our neighborhood and their small dogs. Sometimes Prozac is the right choice, sometimes Valium. Has your dog ever taken fluoxetine? I honestly dont think that dog should be placed any place. He growls and shows teeth and tries to bite harder. I've had him since he was six weeks old. We do not want to get rid of her but we have been trying alot of things suggested and so far it isn't working. He has had all his shots, vet checks & neutered on time per his vets recommendation. Any small improvement is worth reward. Abby has not been spayed yet. There are people who would take her. What I need help with is training. Also it takes him extra long to bathroom, turning easily for 3-5 minutes, lowers his head and waves it side to side like a trapped tiger. I have 4 children, and she would literally herd them when they were outside playing. My dog started a dose of 10 mg of Prozac on Friday. when we go into my room at night and then one of my family members tries to come in my room beau starts to growl and snarl at them. Our vet expressed his concerns that he is so aggressive at such a young age. (many of the posts before me indicate stressful home/work situations.) I will say that she hasnt been eating non-food items so I believe this is helping her eating disorder. it makes me sad. I worked with a trainer on behavior modification, but nothing has gotten better. Is he growling when he bites? So many times people run out and get an Aussie pup or grown dog at the dog shelter or a breeder that carries a line in the blood that has aggressive behaviour. best to you. I don't want to get rid of him but I don't want anyone to get hurt. Prozac should mellow her reactions..take the edge off her anxiety,in order to learn a different response that works as well as aggression. Our vet put my dog on Prozac, which she takes it daily. He would run and jump and nip my kids from behind. Even though Ollie was slightly larger than a baked potato, he managed to growl at husband the moment they met. Hi there. Remove them from whatever situations trigger them until you have more control of the dog and more reliable. She doesn't care that the neighbor is out, she doesn't care about people walking by. Are you nervous and uptight? The mixture of cellular and vasogenic edema makes treating this condition complicated, and to date, there is no pathogenically oriented drug treatment for edema, which leaves parenteral administration of a hypertonic solution as the only non-surgical alternative. I have taken her to three lots of puppy training classes, also one week live in at a dog training centre and walked her twice a day to the park where she can play off leash. If you keep yelling and pulling on the leash - Your dog is going to ignore you and tune you out. If you have friends coming over and your dog is exhibiting unwanted behavior, then you need to crate him and let him get used to seeing the people in the room - then let him out and clip his lead on and have him sit by you. I'm frustrated at times too. In the meantime, here is an article on how to help a nervous dog: Thank You my baby started Prozac today. but i can't let her kill one of my other dogs and now i'm at the end of my rope. Is a shock collar the right thing? This is obviously problematic because he will only be relaxed if he is not at home (yard or house) And we dont have somewhere else for him to just live! She was a shy puppy when we got her at 8 weeks old. He would wiggle his way between us and stare at my husband. He can play fetch, but suddenly will turn toy aggressive at times (not always). Shes been on intermittent Trazadone when there is thunder, fireworks, but she needs more help. We are just avoiding those situations to keep from ingraining the habit of aggression. are often inappropriately prescribed. Yet he started backing away when we went to pet him, barks at everything and I mean everything and is now adding fears into his behavior. I brought a Dalmatian into my house that was abused. For that, we recommend anti-anxiety tricks and gear such as: Rescue remedy ThunderShirt Crate training Sentry calming collar Hes a beautiful deaf boy with a tremendous amount of anxiety. It lets them know where they stand. The Aussie coat is thick and rugged, and comes in a few different colors or patterns. I got him at 6 weeks and brought him home. the Lhasa weighed 20 lbs. He gets along fine with other dogs but humans arent his best friend. I am having to keep them separated. Always follow your vets guidelines for administering fluoxetine. Before I address how I treated Cuba, lets discuss medications. He was raised at a dog park and very socialized. he back slid to first being afraid of nighttime and then February 2021 he was no longer willing to come inside our house because that is where scary things happen ie noises. Need help ASAP!! She has a relatively normal dog life. Made a huge positive impact! Because of this, it's not a viable option for dogs who are only afraid of certain stimuli like thunderstorms. The thing I noticed that helped him was my body language during his acting out. A big key factor is lots and lots of exercise. My Aussie originally was "nervous" meeting anyone outside of our home. Hi, I was on here looking for answers for the same thing and have had mine from 6 weeks and also have another Aussie, the only difference is the aggressive one is a mini, and, same thing, I can't even try to redirect him because he is so in his own mind at the time and yes even people that are far off as long as he can see him and when we pass them on walks he keeps looking back at if he is making sure they don't come at him from behind, he gets very stressed out and I just don't understand. With all that said my Aussie does better with other dogs (he seems to like most people) when he is off leash and can maneuver. We hope and pray this drug can help our little fella calm his anxiety enough to learn hes safe now. My younger son walked into the living room to sit down and Cooper ran after him and bit him, just bc he walked by while Cooper was eating the stolen sandwich! He is now a few months shy of a year old and has gotten worse. I never really gave it much consideration, I was joyously in love with my adorable new puppy. I need help with her and I have had other dogs before in my life. I tried , melatonin, cbd oil, Benadryl, and nothing worked , so I broke down one day and my husband said guess it time for Prozac. SHE JUST DON'T CARE. At our shelter we have a 2.5 years old Aussie mix who is sometimes totally lovable Then, suddenly, you see him give you the "side eye" and he will snap/bite or attack. He has always had "crazy eyes." My own proximity to the situation (this is a dog I own and love deeply) prevented me from rational observation. We were hoping Prozac would take more of the edge off. Have had her since 7 weeks old, great dog. He now has become a crazy dog to everyone who enters our home, who arent in his family pack. He was 5 months old? But inside, as he meet our small family he loves us all. She has never been aggressive toward me or my hubby. Finally I have had to accept that he needs more help than I can help him with. Good luck! The day before deciding on the breed, I read as much as I could about the characteristics. Smart, warm, loving. The dog weighs 66 lbs. We have a 3.5 yr old female English Shepherd who weights 45 pounds. This is similar to the issues we have with my corgi. Dogs with separation anxiety are unable to find comfort when they are left alone or separated from their family members. From what we know about him he is about a year old give or take a few months, he was an owner surrender and we are his third owners. Although some general care practitioners know the difference (many of them work directly with behavior consultants), others do not. I live out in the country and on a farm; so my dog gets plenty of exercise. Plus a lot of walksthey need jobs. He is leash reactive but is fine meeting dogs in a large dog park. I was so mad I couldve killed him. We have been doing the training with her to stop aggression with no luck. And my kids got the chance to learn that life isnt dispensable at the preservation of your convenience. My Aussie is extremely protective and will growl and bark to warn me of any perceived danger. As I watched all Zak George's you tube videos I think you need to anticipate the reaction before it happens and catch her attention and reward it. That is why she had to give him up. The vet prescribed Prozac (along with anti-anxiety meds BuSpirone and Prophanalol). A while back, I came out of the training closet. Vetsusually prescribe it with a behavior modification program until the condition is under control. I have been with Maggie for 3.5 years. The males stand between 20 and 23 inches tall and weigh between 50 and 65 pounds. I am goingvto the Vets tomorrow and hopefullycwe can find a medical answer to her problem. talk to your vet about trazadone, we use it with our 1 year old when she needs to get groomed or be around kids.

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