William OConnor, Jim Pavelec, Ramon Perez. .163 Dutiful Retainer . .74 Rememberers and Memory Sticks. . 70 Step 4: Derived Attributes. . . . . . 213 Wildlife Encounter Table. I thought you were my friends, Jama protested. . Enemies Of The Empire October 2019 PDF Download This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. . . . . We have discussed this already, Hikaru, he said loudly. . . Thus, agents den Temple with less damage than almost any other branch ofwere constantly needed to inltrate the place, and casualties the organization, and if the Kolat rise again during the Iwekowere high. Regardless of the details of the visit, the Oracles as possible, using maho primarily to subvert and manipulate manifestations always leave their victim shaken and customers to ensure maximum prots and disrupt his compe- stunned, intensely aware of its power and domination. Coverage of Rome's enemies includes Gallic, British, Pictish, Scots/Irish, German, Dacian, Sarmatian, Frankish, Saxon, Vandal . . . . . This falcon is an Initiative: 2k2 Attack: Claws 3k2 (Simple) or exceptional specimen, and increases the number of Wounds it Bite 2k2 (Complex) can sustain at each level by 5. 28 Anyone other than the caster who enters the area of effect If a PC is targeted with this spell the GM should present suffers a 2k0 penalty to all physical Actions. . . 25 The Lost as Adversaries: The Nezumi as Allies. . . . As the early Kolat Masters began to grow old and die, next several centuries slowly tightening their grip on the clan, their heirs often proved considerably less capable. . . Finally, the artist is free to create and experimentonce more. 59 Third Whisker . More details Words: 221,422 Pages: 290 Preview Full text . . .239Shadow Mechanics . . . . The Kuni Witch Hunters, the Scorpion assassination targets are determined by information given to Kuroiban, the Phoenix Inquisitors, or the Jade Magistrates the Lotus by the Silk Sect. . Much like in the past, Iuchiban was impatient to gather powerand overturn the Empire. Why Samurai Fall Peasants and the Kolat to the Kolat The Kolat is by no means an exclusively samurai orga-Betraying the will of the divine and fighting to re- nization. . . 220 The Naming of the Lying Darkness .134 the Demon of the Endless Horde . The GM has the nal say on what you learn, but it will The ancient order of the Hidden Guard, named mockingly af-always be something useful to your current endeavors. . . . If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA report form. . . DARK WINGS c Ring/Mastery: Water 2 (Maho) c Range: Self c Area of Effect: Caster c Duration: 10 minutes c Raises: Duration (+2 minutes per Raise) The caster sprouts monstrous wings from his back, resembling those of a bat or other such creature. The level.Bloodspeakers make no distinction between social caste, andhave taught their secrets to samurai of all types, to peasants,and even to eta. The GM and players alike should bemember of the conspiracy, problems may easily arise. The majorityof them simply focused on their nor-mal lives, hoping that someday theconspiracy might revive and contactthem once again. Indeed, long before the culty of killing someone when they can be destroyed so fall of the Hidden Temple the Kolat faced many enemies, and much more easily without bloodshed? . 207 Physical Undead . This could not have happened if the Kolat were in the conspiracys arsenal. . . . . . . *. . This and utterly merciless general of the Bloodspeaker Cult.tradition continues in Rokugan to the present day, although So complete was the transformation that the cult wouldmost have forgotten the reason behind it. (The later rise of the Reorganization and DefeatKitsuki family within the Dragon Clan was a source of con-siderable alarm, and the Kolat went to great lengths to paint The day we need no longer depend on human weakness,the Kitsuki as eccentric and peculiar to discredit them with the that is the day our destiny will be realized.rest of the Empire.) They believe the power of their faith has brought them success and power and will promise more of both in the fu- ture. are intelligent and aggressive hunters, strong swimmers, and seem to have a taste for human esh. . If your question is a legitimate one, Kitaro-sama, Shinjo Hikaru replied, then there are any number of accurate an- It is amazing, my lord! Ito answered. . . . . . . . . . . 241 The Kenku . The prepared for both the benets and the potential consequencesGM should discuss such matters up front with the players of allowing a member of the conspiracy into the game. . . . 175 Chikushudo, The Realm of Animals. Why go to the trouble and dif- as invulnerable as its leaders believed. . Whenacy knows, and distribute the information to the other sects a sect needs a sleeper agent, they nd and kidnap a suitableas needed. . 206 Mechanics . . . ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRElord (or in other games, to gain their treasure, but we dontworry too much about that here). . . . While a few Rokugani do know or guess Enemies and Weaknessesat the existence of the Kolat, the great majority do not, and the conspiracy likes to keep it that way. . Book Synopsis Enemies in the Empire by : Stefan Manz. . . . . . . . . . . . . per the creature ability from the Book of Void, L5R 4th Editioncore rulebook) while ying.GIFT OF THE MAKER c Ring/Mastery: Fire 2 (Maho) c Range: Self or Touch c Area of Effect: One target creature (can be the caster) c Duration: 1 hour c Raises: Duration (+30 minutes per Raise)The caster summons the power of Jigoku, temporarily grant-ing the blessings of the Taint. . . EMPIRE David Lepore T odd Rowland John Zinser Brian Bates. 126 Character Mechanics: Creating a Naga 79 Sample Nezumi . Previously, the Kolat had been littlein the Empire. . . It is not uncommon for proud hunters to gions of the Empire, crossing the Great Wall of the Northdecorate their kabuto with the horns of their kills, and ronin Mountains from the steppes. PDF. . . . . . . . Enemies of the Empire was the fourth source book for Fourth Edition of the Legend of the Five Rings roleplaying game. You have nothing to fear here.agreed, of course, but now that were here, if you would feelmore comfortable elsewhere, you are of course free to go. . It does not like to eat humans but it is an aggressive healthy by eating vermin species. . . . 73 Nezumi Schools . . . Thus, when the Masters met in the Hidden Temple traitor can ruin decades of work, so the conspiracy picks its they always wore full-body black robes and golden masks to recruits carefully, often luring and indoctrinating them for conceal their forms and faces. . . 64 Campaign Options: The Nezumi as Adversaries . . . . Rokugan is one of Common to their territory are bears, boar, eagles, falcons,the most civilized areas of the world, but its people have great hares, stags, and wolves.reverence for the natural world, and thus the beasts of Roku-gan thrive. 245 Skills/ School Ranks . . . . Special Abilities: AIR 1 EARTH 3 FIRE 1 WATER 2 REFLEXES 3 STAMINA 4 AGILITY 3 STRENGTH 4 c Blood Frenzy: Sharks become enraged by the presenceENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE of blood in the water, which they can smell up to a Initiative: 3k3 Attack: Bite 3k3 (Complex) or half mile away. The forest is not safe.petty concerns to trouble him. This ter the Seppun Shugenja who safeguard the Emperor, is taskedAdvantage cannot be used in environments where it would with protecting the Kolats headquarters, the Hidden Temple.be impossible to make contact with your spy network (e.g. 268 Pekkle no Oni, the Pretender . . .152 The Fall of the Kitsu . For days the Emperor and hischief advisors agonized over what was to be done, but nally THE SECOND RISE OF IUCHIBANa Crab engineer named Kaiu Gineza proposed a solution: hewould build a tomb, a unique and marvelous prison, with an No one realized that Iuchiban was already aware of Yajindensarray of traps making it impenetrable to all enemies. . . . This book contains mundane creatures, the a bushi and courtier. . . If an army is needed the Kolat Resources and Methods will try to maneuver the forces of one of the clans into do- ing the work instead. . . power struggles that often exposed or destroyed other cult cells. . . . . . . . The Hidden Guard are taught defensive tactics to allow them to defeat the more specialized warriors of the GreatNEW DISADVANTAGE: Clans. The Tao of Shin- selves Qolat, now became an integral part of the conspiracy. . 83 Resources and Methods . The last one actually took the name before IuchibansTaint Rank: 3.5 rise to power, but he too fell in 1166 to Isawa Sezaru. . While there may be strength in numbers, to entirely root out. .184 Damage . . . . . Since Jama Suruthe traitorous Yajinden found his own soul imprisoned along had also been destroyed once more, the few extant cells ofwith his master. . .132 The Darkness and the Scorpion . CRANE (TSURU) Wild crane in ight are the subject of numerous Rokugani poems and paintings. . . . . . . . Advantages and Disadvantages, but instantly acquires the 30 When the spell is cast, the maho-tsukai chooses one living mental Traits and Void of the caster, along with all of the target within range. the cult went their own way without any central guidance. . sage of human supremacy and metaphysical perfection. 204 A Sinister Offer . . The matic, while a Phoenix might become more arrogant and ob- caster writes the ward in the blood he spill to cast the spell, sessed with magical power. . The early maho became so easy for him as to be childs play, lacking any cult known as the True Sons of Isawa claimed descent from challenge to his skills. . . . . . . guards the Hidden Temple. . . . George Witton eBook No. Inspired by his example, the Empires samurai rallied Suru was a slavishly loyal follower of Iuchiban, butand defeated the undead horde, while Takasho slipped into the unlike Yajinden he showed little initial aptitude for theBloodspeakers lair and captured Iuchiban himself. Three of the swords did their work all too well. . 151 Ningen-do, The Realm of Mortals . (This effect stacks with the maho spell Sinful Dreams.) . Kitaro rolled his eyes, drawing a slight snicker from the boy Riding next to him on a young pony, Kitaros valet-in-train- at his side. . As one of the nest merchants in the entire Em- pire, he gravitated naturally to the Coin Sect, and quickly discovered his Master, Moshi Shanegon, was only competent by the barest of measures, vastly more concerned with his own well-being and comfort than the prosperity of the Coin Sect. . . Bayushi Rikoji was highly suspicious of the Jama Surubeautiful sword which arrived unexpectedly from the Imperial 21capital. . . . defeat death itself? . . . The Akutenshi . . . . . . . The food and water lose all nutritional value andTaint gain to 0. anyone who eats or drinks must roll Stamina at TN 20 or become severely ill, suffering a 3k0 penalty to all Skill,New Maho Spells Trait, and Spell Casting rolls. 244 Initiative, Wounds. useful enemies islam and the ottoman empire in western They met in secret, nal shape of the universe would be a desirable one. Over two hundred years after his imprisonment, Iuchiban nally escaped from the Tomb, leaping his soul into the body of a peasant (and condemning that poor unfortunate to re- side in Iuchibans immortal body within the Tomb). . .153 Tsuno as Adversaries . . With Enemies of the Empire, c ATTACK & DAMAGE ROLLS The hallmark of any com-we have tried to go a little bit farther, and introduce not only bat is the attack and damage combination. . . . . . . . . 207 Undead Spirits . justied but vitally necessary. The GM can employ alomaniac has created his own Kolat, imitating the the Kolat in a variety of ways, from single mysterious en- rumors about the true organization and embarking on counters (why did that magistrate seem so uninterested in the plots and schemes of his own. . . . The Dragon Clan, controlled by its immor- Unicorn was more than compensated for by the ascension of The Kolattal Kami Togashi, defeated every effort to place agents of mortals to the positions of rulers over the Celestial Heavensthe conspiracy within its ranks. . 117 Cloud Sect . 30 Naga Culture and Customs . . By a random twist of fate, at that very moment aquarters of the Bloodspeaker Cult within the Imperial capital, gang of bandits attacked, slaughtering both Jamas Impe-Otosan Uchi itself. . to a full-scale epic in which the PCs very useful, since the charlatan not only drew attention face off against the entire conspiracy. This was a source moving it across the Empire to the Hidden Temple. 156 Chapter 10: Ronin. . The hidden Bloodspeaker cellsacross the Empire emerged to ght, their ranks swollen practi-cally overnight by the effects of the Rain of Blood. Crab Clan lands The chilly mountains and forests of the Phoenix Clan areinclude plains, forests, and swamplands, as well as the Wall incredibly dense with life despite the long winter season andAbove the Ocean and Twilight Mountains and a consider- abundant snowfall. . . . The masks have no visible method of attaching to someone, and normally have no immediate effect on c Dark Paragon (Knowledge) a living person who puts one on. The Scorpion took it upon themselves to eradi- The Kolat had long been aware of the Lying Darkness, and cate this foul conspiracy and assaulted the Temple and its Oxhad made contingency plans to try to deal with it if its power Clan defenders with all their might. . . No denite link is known animal and is much more likely to attack than the smaller between mundane snakes and the serpentine race of the Naga, aoizame shark. . Monkeys are not a physical danger to samurai, or evento most peasants, but their thieving and destructive naturecan make them a considerable nuisance. In these cases the assassin will often attack openly while personnel to carry out their plans. . . . . . This allows them to spy unseen on their - - - PERCEPTION 4 - enemies, attack completely unsuspecting targets, and then leave the area without anyone suspecting the conspiracy. . to advance its cause. .155 The Zokujin. 245 Special Abilities . Death is not easily hidden, so the Kolat instead hides the cause and method of death. . . Maho spells such as Death Beyond Lifeagainst Rokugans collectivist values, it should not be surpris- allow cultists to escape death and return to threaten the Em-ing that Cult cells have always been diverse groups of people pire once more. . Sometimes they are c Allies (Bloodspeaker Cult) painted or sculpted to display facial features, but more commonly they are left blank except for a vague face- c Clear Thinker like shape. . . . . . Although thehave some limited contact with each other. Star Wars Legends Project #206 Background: Boba Fett: Enemy of the Empire, released in October of 1999, collects the four issue Enemy of the Empire series (January-April 1999) and the one-shot story Salvage (December 1997). . . . . .185 Shapeshifter Abilities: Major . . . . . Strange Creatures of Rokugan - a L5R 5th Edition Monster Manual. The typical Lotus assas- the same ruthlessness as an external one, and when someone sination will be carried out by an agent who pretends to be betrays the Kolat the punishment extends not only to that in- someone close to the target, murders him, and then fakes his dividual but also to his family and friends. for such inconveniences as birth, station, or tradition. . .118 Coin Sect . . . The kansen bound into the mask taught him terrible create, Yajinden would be his chief lieutenant, elevated new secrets, and Fushiki known within the cult as the Face of above all others by the power of his superb talents. The most select of these were allowed to Hantei Jama was the younger brother of the Hantei Em- join him in the active study of maho and would eventuallyperor who reigned at the turn of the sixth century. . Unfortunately there is no hard and fast rule about how this should be gauged, as it will vary quite c INSIGHT RANK For human opponents, the best and a bit from opponent to opponent. 46 Naga Archetypes. This senior member isdarkest and most powerful secrets until they prove themselves usually the only one with signicant knowledge of maho andtruly devoted. . Shahai hoped to bargain lord and master once again.with the Bloodspeaker on behalf of her lord, Daigotsu, but thesorcerer double-crossed her with the aid of Yajinden, whose The modern Bloodspeaker Cult is only a shadow of its for-imprisonment had forced him into loyalty once more. . . . . . . 39 Campaign Options: The Naga as PCs Mastery Level 1 . . . . . . When travelersresponsible for gathering intelligence for the conspiracy, col- stray too close, the Steel patrollers rst attempt to causelecting information in every possible way and conveying it accidents to turn the visitors away. . . . . . But if men overthrew thesebe quickly defeated by the Kami and their rapidly growing gods and ruled themselves, it would be men who ultimatelyarmies of followers. . The Imperial Records werehelpless to use his terrible powers, but some of his followers cleansed of any mention of Otomo Jamas name, and numer-had escaped; how long would it be before they tried to set ous false stories were crafted to ensure no shame could fall onhim free? . . . To the Kolat, however, he repre- greater than anything the Empire could hope to match. . . . . . . . Now that he was no longer bound by had seen many forms of exotic magic but had never actually his own body there seemed no way to keep him imprisoned encountered the maho spells and seductive ideology of the once Togashi Yamatsus willpower failed. . 186 Shapeshifter Penalties: Minor . The Lotus philosophy llment of their ideals will require them to control the spirit is that an assassin must be free of human contacts with the world as well as the mortal realm. . . . although samurai often assume the two are connected and those who respect the Naga will try to avoid killing snakes AIR 1 EARTH 2 FIRE 1 WATER 3 unless necessary. . . . . . . . 48 Yesterday and Tomorrow New Mechanics . I have never seen swers. zombies animated by porcelain masks. . . The Bloodspeakers But Iuchiban is more than just a name. . . As a result, he is highly resistant to pain (Reduction 10), has no Wound penalties, and heals his Earth in Wounds during the Reactions Stage of each Round. . . . . The fall of the Hidden Temple thus had relatively little im- STEEL SECT The Kolatpact on the Roc Sect, and the Qolat maintain the conspiracysdream in foreign lands, waiting for the time when they can The Steel Sect is the name given to the military force which 41return to Rokugan once more. . . . duced into the bloodstream (via a bite). goats for its own operations. . . Anyone who c Technique Rank: 4knows it may speak it aloud, followed by a simple command c Requirement: Must be recruited by the Kolat for theirof ve words or less. . . . . . . . . When the nal Tomb was complete, the Kaiu walked organization over the next two centuries, visiting his mostinside, activating each of the traps, and stayed within to die. Its leaders believed and paintings that here ) not have happened if the Kolat instead hides cause! Of this book contains mundane creatures, the artist is free to create and experimentonce more creatures. Met in secret, nal shape of the GreatNEW DISADVANTAGE: Clans Shin-! 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