Wood steering wheel from Momo, Nardi, NRG and Personal Home Material Wood Wood We offer the finest wood steering wheels in the world from Nardi, MOMO, and Motolita. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. Free Shipping within Continental US - On Selected Items. The wheel serves as a special linkage enabling the driver to feel the vehicle and influencing the decisions that come to his or her mind. This extensive information on the use of cookies (hereinafter also cookie policy) should be read together with thePrivacy Policy pursuant to art. Detti file vengono memorizzati al loro interno per essere poi ritrasmessi, in un secondo momento, agli stessi siti di origine in occasione di una visita successiva (c.d. Both sporty, classic, ergonomics, always! These rules are configured as real limits on the freedom of expression of thought, also connected to the peculiarities of the employment relationship: these are explanations of the duties of loyalty and confidentiality, which are incumbent on the worker since they are verifiable in the work performance. In riferimento alle finalit di cui al punto 7 del paragrafo, il trattamento facoltativo e pertanto soggetto a Suo consenso per essere lecito (art. The MOMO hub I chose is 2.25" / 57mm tall and I needed a spacer/adapter to convert the hole pattern from MOMO to Nardi in . Sono utilizzati per tracciare la navigazione dellutente in rete e creare profili su gusti, abitudini, scelte, ecc. Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this product by Nardi will 3-Spoke ND 4 Metal Series Smooth/Perforated Leather Black Steering Wheel by Nardi. Their creation is a vocation, born by Enrico Nardis personality; he wanted his cars to have a perfect technique but also a beautiful look. $379.00. ), per le quali i cookie, che consentono di effettuare e mantenere lidentificazione dellutente nellambito della sessione, risultano indispensabili. I cookie sono dati pseudonimi, ossia dati personali dove gli elementi identificativi sono stati sostituiti da altri elementi (quali stringhe di testo e numeri). Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this product by 3-Spoke Pasquino Leather/Perforated Black Steering Wheel by Nardi. If you aren't a Robot: What's 3 * 3? The personal data contained in documents relevant for administrative-accounting purposes will in any case be kept in compliance with legal obligations. . Tali identificativi possono lasciare tracce che, in particolare se combinate con identificativi univoci e altre informazioni ricevute dai server, possono essere utilizzate per creare profili delle persone fisiche e identificarle. With Black Aluminum Ring. Personal data processing means any operation or set of operations performed with or without the aid of automated processes and applied to personal data or sets of personal data, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring , storage, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or any other form of making available, comparison or interconnection, limitation, deletion or destruction. Tax-Code: 03602650966 Come disabilitare larchiviazione dei cookie mediante le impostazioni del browser. Of Italian origin, the passionate and talented has collaborated with many manufacturers such as Ferrari, Lancia, Audi, Maserati, Lamborghini, Rolls Royce, Jaguar, Lotus, TVR, McLaren, Mazda, Volkswagen, Abarth, BMW. Per le finalit di cui ai numeri da 1 a 6, Nardi-Personal S.p.A. La informa che i Suoi dati potrebbero essere comunicati a soggetti esterni, designati per iscritto, qualora ci si renda necessario per adempiere ad un obbligo previsto dalla legge, per eseguire obblighi derivanti da un contratto del quale Lei /sar parte, nonch per adempiere, prima della conclusione del contratto, a Sue specifiche richieste. ), for which cookies are indispensable, as they make and they keep the users identification during the session. Per una pi specifica informazione circa quanto sopra indicato la invitiamo a visitare la sezione social policy del sito, allindirizzo web https://nardi-personal.com/. Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in 3-Spoke Leader Series Leather Steering Wheel by Nardi. Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this product by Universal 3-Spoke Leader Series Leather Steering Wheel by Nardi. With Black Aluminum Ring. In relazione ai suddetti trattamenti il Titolare fornisce, tra laltro, le seguenti informazioni. Lelenco dei Responsabili esterni sar mantenuto aggiornato e sar inviato allinteressato dietro specifica richiesta. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. In relation to the aforementioned processing, the Data Controller provides, among other things, the following information. I dati personali raccolti per le finalit di cui ai punti da 1 a 6 del paragrafo C, saranno trattati per un arco di tempo non superiore al conseguimento delle finalit per le quali sono trattati e per i successivi dieci (10) anni per esigenze di legge. The various pages / channels of Nardi Personal S.p.A. present on the various Social Media, can be freely followed by all users of the network, without asking for any authorization from the Owner/Data Controller; for this reason, Nardi Personal S.p.A., advises to exercise caution regarding the dissemination of personal (and sensitive) data when using these platforms. Pad Material: Leather. The data subject can avoid the installation ofcookiesthrough the special functions available on his/her browser or by interrupting the navigation. Insults, foul language, threats or attitudes that harm the personal dignity, the rights of minorities and minors, the principles of freedom and equality will not be tolerated. Access will be allowed only to persons authorized in writing to process personal data. A choice of quality: Nardi steering wheels offer all the pleasure coming from a direct contact with high level materials (natural leather or precious wood finished by hand). Nardi Personal S.p.A. con sede in via Vittorio Veneto, n. 85 21049 Tradate Abbiate Guazzone (VA), il Titolare del trattamento dei Suoi dati personali che La rimanda alla presente Social Media Policy. Lespressione del consenso allarchiviazione dei cookie dipende dalle finalit per le quali i cookie stessi vengono usati e da queste dipende se essi ricadono nei casi di cookie tecnici o di cookie di profilazione. A Nardi steering wheel is a classic, something very close to perfection in this field. 21 of our Constitution . The interested party can at any time exercise the rights referred to in art. Questi dati vengono utilizzati al solo fine di ricavare informazioni statistiche anonime sulluso del sito e per controllarne il corretto funzionamento e vengono cancellati immediatamente dopo lelaborazione. Le stesse saranno opportunamente designate Responsabili del trattamento dei dati personali e saranno coinvolte negli adempimenti richiesti dal rapporto giuridico in essere, nonch da specifici obblighi di legge. I canali tematici di Nardi Personal S.p.A. sono utilizzati per informare gli utenti circa le attivit della Societ, raccogliere commenti, richieste, domande, critiche e suggerimenti. 6, co. 1, lett. https://windows.microsoft.com/it-it/windows7/block-enable-or-allow-cookie, https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=it-IT&p=cpn_cookie, https://support.mozilla.org/it/kb/Attivare%20e%20disattivare%20i%20cookie, https://support.apple.com/kb/ph19214?locale=it_IT. Whether giving or not the consent on the cookie storage, it depends on if they are technical cookies or profiling cookies. fingerprinting) tracking technique is used at that time. I dati saranno trasmessi esclusivamente in Italia e nellambito dellUnione europea. Polished spokes/frame. right to obtain the rectification or cancellation of the same or the limitation of the processing of data; right to withdraw the consent, where applicable (the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the treatment based on the consent given before the withdrawal); and. Il conferimento dei dati obbligatorio in relazione alle finalit da 1 a 6 del paragrafo C, ossia per adempiere agli obblighi di natura giuridica riguardo ad un rapporto giuridico instaurato e per ogni altra finalit connessa a obblighi di legge, regolamenti e normative comunitarie; il rifiuto alla comunicazione dei dati impedir al Titolare di adempiere tali obblighi e di conseguenza limpossibilit di fornirLe i servizi e/o le prestazioni da Lei richieste. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. A). I dati potrebbero essere utilizzati per laccertamento di responsabilit in caso di ipotetici reati informatici ai danni del sito o di richieste da parte delle autorit. TheCookiescan be stored within the users device directly from the website that the latter is visiting (first-party site) or from a different website, so-called third party, as in every website there may be elements (i.e., images, maps, sounds, specific links to web pages of other domains, etc.) To him it was impossible not to consider the wheel, that part of a car where the ability of a driver is focused on, one of the main supports of will and perfection. Nello specifico si tratta di dati da Lei conferiti volontariamente per lesecuzione dei rapporti giuridici in essere con il Titolare del trattamento dei dati personali. 6 co. 1 lett. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. Nardi-Personal S.p.A. does not perform any form of control over the use of personal information communicated in a public forum, a comment area, a message board, making the user solely responsible for any disclosure. A choice of quality: Nardi steering wheels offer all the pleasure coming from a direct contact with high level materials (natural leather or precious wood finished by hand). N Rights pursuant to the EU Regulation 2016/679. Ad esempio, possibile predisporre un cookie per il riconoscimento dellutente registrato sul sito senza che lo stesso debba procedere, nelloccasione di una nuova visita, ad una nuova autenticazione (login). ORIGINAL Nardi/Personal Mercedes Benz Hub/Adaptor(boss) Will fit perfectly following Mercedes Benz Models: Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this Universal 3-Spoke Kallista Series Leather/Perforated Steering Wheel by Nardi. This cookies policy also describes the elements provided for by the law as well as the characteristics and purposes of the cookies installed from the websitehttps://nardi-personal.com/, including the updated link to the information and the consent forms of the third parties with which the Data Controller has entered into agreements for the installation of cookies through their website and, finally, giving to the user the possibility of expressing their consent on the cookies even through the settings of the browser used. Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this product by Nardi 3-Spoke Classic Wood Steering Wheel Round Holes in Spokes by Nardi. However, this is information that is not collected with the intent of associating it with identified users, but by its very nature, it might lead to the identification of users through processing and association with data held by third parties. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. Nardi is widely known for its established reputation as a steering wheel manufacturer of the highest quality. Corporate capital: 400.000,00. M Intenzione di trasferimento dei dati allestero. 02): 14 gennaio 2021, A- Data controller, data processor managers and persons authorized to process personal data. I dati personali inoltre vengono pubblicati spontaneamente dagli utenti e il trattamento degli stessi da parte di Nardi Personal S.p.A. effettuato unicamente per finalit del servizio svolto. Yokohama Yokohama Advan Personal Grinta 330mm Steering Wheel. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. They will be appropriately designated as Data Processors and will be involved in the fulfilments required by the existing legal relationship as well as by specific legal obligations. organismi di vigilanza, autorit giudiziarie, enti, professionisti, societ, pubbliche amministrazioni o altre strutture designate per lesecuzione di trattamenti connessi alladempimento degli obblighi amministrativi, contabili e gestionali legati allordinario svolgimento dellattivit economica del Titolare (obblighi legali); banche, istituti finanziari, liberi professionisti, studi professionali e consulenti ai quali la comunicazione dei suddetti dati si renda necessaria per lo svolgimento dellattivit del Titolare e, in particolare, in relazione allassolvimento degli obblighi contrattuali assunti nei confronti dellinteressato (obblighi contrattuali); diritto di ottenere la rettifica o la cancellazione degli stessi o la limitazione del trattamento; diritto di revocare il consenso, ove previsto (la revoca del consenso non pregiudica la liceit del trattamento basata sul consenso conferito prima della revoca); diritto di proporre reclamo allautorit di controllo (Garante Privacy). Copyright 2003-2023 CARiD.com. MozillaFirefox: https://support.mozilla.org/it/kb/Attivare%20e%20disattivare%20i%20cookie; That means that, by default, no cookies or tools other than technical ones are placed on the users device when that user first accesses a website, and that no other active (i.e. N Diritti di cui al Regolamento UE 2016/679. This Social Media Policy has the purpose of describing the rules of conduct that the users should respect when using the website and in the spaces activated by Nardi Personal S.p.A. on social technology platforms. Born on racing cars, Nardis wheels are then used on Gran Tursim and high level cars, bringing all the typical advantages of the racing cars, like lightness and essentiality. Steering wheel serial number crowderscustomizing (31,543) 100%. With Black Aluminum Ring. The data will be transmitted exclusively in Italy and within the European Union. Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this product by Nardi will last a lifetime. For those who repeatedly violate these conditions or the ones contained in the policies of the tools adopted, the staff reserves the right to block the user to prevent further interventions and to report the same, to the managers of the platform and possibly to law enforcement authorities. Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this product Universal 3-Spoke Deep Corn Series Steering Wheel by Nardi. Nardi-Personal S.p.A. recommends excercising caution regarding the dissemination of personal information on telematic channels through comments or public posts when using the aforementioned platforms. Per linstallazione di cookie tecnici non richiesto nessun consenso agli utenti mentre, nel caso di cookie di terze parti necessario, tra laltro, fornire unidonea informativa (ex art. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. Specification of this ORIGINAL Nardi/Personal steering wheel: Width is 15 Dark mahogany wooden rim with ebony top ring. 2-Spoke Perforated Leather Black Steering Wheel (6001.33.3000), 3-Spoke Challenge Series Smooth/Perforated Leather Steering Wheel, 3-Spoke Competition Leather Steering Wheel, 3-Spoke Gara Series Leather Black Steering Wheel, 3-Spoke Gara Series Leather Black Steering Wheel with Center Pad, 3-Spoke Gara Sport Series Leather Steering Wheel, 3-Spoke Kallista Metal Leather/Perforated Leather Steering Wheel, 3-Spoke Kallista Series Leather/Perforated Steering Wheel, 3-Spoke Leader Series Leather Steering Wheel, 3-Spoke ND 4 Metal Series Smooth/Perforated Leather Black Steering Wheel, 3-Spoke ND Classic Series Leather Black Steering Wheel, 3-Spoke ND1 Metal Smooth/Perforated Leather Steering Wheel, 3-Spoke Pasquino Leather/Perforated Black Steering Wheel, 3-Spoke Twin Line Series Smooth/Perforated Leather Steering Wheel, 3-Spoke Twin Line Smooth/Perforated Leather Steering Wheel, 3-Spoke Classic Wood Side-Spokes Style Steering Wheel, 3-Spoke Classic Wood Steering Wheel Round Holes in Spokes, Posted by Dele (Fairfax, VA) / April 28, 2021. Nardi-Personal S.p.A. non esegue alcuna forma di controllo sullutilizzo di informazioni personali comunicate in un forum pubblico, unarea di commento, una bacheca, rendendo lutilizzatore lunico responsabile di qualsiasi divulgazione. NARDI TORINO GARA 365 KBA 70138 Leather STEERING WHEEL 360mm Made In Italy Pre-Owned $150.00 editapartseu (72) 100% or Best Offer +$35.99 shipping from Lithuania 21 watchers Sponsored Users consent for the installation of cookies on the device. You will not find anything nicer. Nardi Steering Wheel Deep Corn 330mm / 12.99 inch Diameter Black Perforated Leather with Red Stitching White Anodized Spokes Classic Horn Button - 53mm (2.09 inch) Deep Dish - Part # 6069.33.1093 5.0 (1) $35295 FREE delivery Feb 15 - 21 Nardi Steering Wheel - Classic - 360mm (14.17 inches) - Wood with Satin Aluminum Spokes # 5051.36.6300 5.0 (3) I will be intstalling it in my 1967 Mustang. Il sito web potrebbe offrire porte di accesso a servizi e piattaforme c.d. In questa categoria di dati rientrano gli indirizzi IP o i nomi a dominio dei computer utilizzati dagli utenti che si connettono al sito, gli indirizzi in notazione URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) delle risorse richieste, lorario della richiesta, il metodo utilizzato nel sottoporre la richiesta al server, la dimensione del file ottenuto in risposta, il codice numerico indicante lo stato della risposta data dal server (buon fine, errore, etc.) Nardi Steering Wheels Hub Adapter PCD Converter If you already have a hub adapter fitted to your car, it may well be Momo, Sparco or universal fitment. Nardi Gara Steering Wheel - 350mm Perforated Leather w/Red Stitch $332. a). 5.0 out of 5 stars. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. These files are stored to be resent to the same sites of origin on the occasion, for example, of a subsequent visit (so-called user tracking). A Titolare, Responsabili e persone autorizzate al trattamento dei dati personali. With a partner, Augusto Monaco, Nardi built his first car in 1932, a modified, 65-hp, 998-cc, JAP-engine-powered front-wheel-drive special that proved adept at conquering Italian hill climbs. The wheel is linked to the hands. 317.99. Corporate capital: 400.000,00, Legal headquarter: Corso Venezia, 61 20121 (MI) Italy
Linteressato potr esercitare i diritti sopra illustrati inviando una mail allindirizzo email: privacy@nardi-personal.com, oppure telefonando al numero +39 0331 811 118. Ulteriori informazioni relative al trattamento dei dati personali potranno essere comunicate anche verbalmente al momento della raccolta dati. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. L Comunicazione a terzi e/o diffusione dei dati. e finalizzate a migliorare il servizio offerto. Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this product by Universal 3-Spoke Steering Wheel by Nardi. Con questi cookie possono essere trasmessi al dispositivo utente messaggi pubblicitari in linea con le preferenze gi manifestate dallo stesso utente nella navigazione online. Be the first to know about new products, sales, collaborations, JHPUSA exclusives, and special discounts - JOIN THE TEAM! Il Garante ha precisato che detti cookie possono essere assimilati ai cookie tecnici, in tema di informativa e consenso, solo se: In quanto assimilabili ai cookie tecnici, anche i cookie analytics possono essere utilizzati in assenza della previa acquisizione del consenso dellinteressato. In this manner, several preferences may be associated to the user and then classify them (profiling). Nardi Kallista Metal Steering Wheel - 350mm Combo Leather w/Polished Spokes $472. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. Article 4, paragraph 1, of EU Regulation 2016/679 defines personal data as any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person (data subject); it is considered identifiable the natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, with particular reference to an identifier such as the name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or one or more characteristic elements of his physical , physiological, genetic, psychic, economic, cultural or social identity. Nardi Nardi Steering Wheels Categories Racing Shoes Shift Knobs Steering Wheels Sort by 1 - 30 of 498 results Nardi 3-Spoke Pasquino Leather/Perforated Black Steering Wheel 0 $541.97 Nardi 3-Spoke Challenge Series Smooth/Perforated Leather Steering Wheel 0 $367.76 Nardi Collapsible Hub Adapter for Steering Wheel 0 $141.84 - $478.18 Enrico Nardi, creator of the eponymous steering wheels, holds a legendary place in the automotive world. Wood or leather and aluminium: these are natural and technical ingredients for the most famous steering wheels of the world! They produce their own textual, photographic, videographic and other multimedia materials which must always be accredited to Nardi Personal S.p.A. and the original reference channel. Linteressato pu evitare linstallazione dei cookie attraverso le apposite funzioni disponibili sul proprio browser o interrompendo la navigazione. - Rear axle steering pre-assembly table for Audi Q7/Q8, VW Touareg, Porsche Cayenne (PLC, HMI - TIA Portal v14); - Packaging module of the ZB-rear axle EVA1 assembly line for Mercedes EQ (PLC - SIMATIC v5.5, HMI - HMI PRO CS v7.03); - Wheel alignment machine for FAW-Volkswagen: toe and camber adjustment, Nardi Gara Steering Wheel - 350mm Leather w/Black Stitch $312. Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this 3-Spoke Competition Leather Steering Wheel by Nardi. Designed using state-of-the-art technology and with customers in mind, this Universal 3-Spoke Gara Sport Series Leather Steering Wheel by Nardi. Various driving styles may require different steering wheel designs, and all of these superior products are made to provide the necessary grip. Nardi-Personal S.p.A. consiglia di esercitare cautela circa la diffusione di informazioni personali sui canali tematici mediante commenti o post pubblici durante lutilizzo delle suddette piattaforme. Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for SCHNEIDER INDUSTRIESERVICE GMBH SP Z O O of Wrocaw, dolnolskie. Il sito web https://nardi-personal.com/ utilizza esclusivamente cookies di tipo tecnico, necessari e funzionali allerogazione dello stesso, e di terza parte, che non permettono di raccogliere informazioni sui visitatori (profilazione). Nome e cognome, residenza anagrafica o domicilio fiscale, numero di telefono, numero di telefax, numero di telefono cellulare, indirizzo di posta elettronica, indirizzo PEC, partita I.V.A. I dati saranno trattati e archiviati esclusivamente per le finalit sopra indicate mediante lutilizzo di supporti sia cartacei che informatici, inseriti in pertinenti banche dati e trattati con strumenti idonei a garantire lintegrit, la sicurezza e la riservatezza dei dati stessi, in conformit con quanto stabilito dal Regolamento UE 2016/679. Last update of the document (Rev. Below are links that inform the user on how to disablecookiesfor the most usedbrowsers: Internet Explorer: https://windows.microsoft.com/it-it/windows7/block-enable-or-allow-cookie; I termini di utilizzo e le politiche sulla Privacy applicabili a ciascuno di tali mezzi di comunicazione sociale, pubblicate sui rispettivi siti, regolano linformazione fornita. Each Nardi steering wheel, today, is handmade before and after polishing and painting phases. Saranno adottate tutte le misure tecniche ed organizzative adeguate a garantire un livello di protezione dei dati conforme alle previsioni del Regolamento UE 2016/679. The list of external data processor managers will be kept up-to-date and will be sent to the interested party upon specific request. Detta Social Media Policy ha come finalit quella di descrivere le norme di condotta che gli utenti dovrebbero rispettare nellutilizzo del sito web e negli spazi attivati da Nardi Personal S.p.A. sulle piattaforme tecnologiche sociali. Nardi 3-Spoke Gara Series Leather Black Steering Wheel with Center Pad. possibile negare il consenso generale allinstallazione di qualunque cookie sul dispositivo dellutente selezionando limpostazione appropriata del proprio browser: la navigazione senza tracciamento delle proprie attivit sar comunque disponibile in tutte le sue funzionalit. Ultimo aggiornamento del documento (rev. This product is made of high-quality materials to serve you for years to come. Per i cookie di profilazione vi la necessit del consenso da richiedere attraverso un banner distinguibile sulla pagina web, attraverso il quale viene offerta agli utenti la possibilit di proseguire la navigazione senza essere in alcun modo tracciati, ad esempio chiudendo il banner cliccando sulla caratteristica X da inserire in alto a destra. Linteressato pu, in qualsiasi momento, esercitare i diritti di cui allart. The terms of use and the privacy policies applicable to each of these social media, published on the respective sites, regulate the information provided. 4 del Regolamento UE 2016/679 definisce dato personale qualsiasi informazione riguardante una persona fisica identificata o identificabile (interessato); si considera identificabile la persona fisica che pu essere identificata, direttamente o indirettamente, con particolare riferimento a un identificativo come il nome, un numero di identificazione, dati relativi allubicazione, un identificativo online o a uno o pi elementi caratteristici della sua identit fisica, fisiologica, genetica, psichica, economica, culturale o sociale. 229 of May 8th, 2014 and the Guidelines on the use of cookies and other tracking tools of June 10th, 2021 issued by the Guarantor for the protection of personal data, in this page the Personal Data Controller, Nardi-Personal S.p.A. (hereinafter, Company, Organization or Data Controller ), with Registered office in Corso Venezia, 61 20121 Milano and Operational Headquarters invia Vittorio Veneto, n. 85 21049 Tradate Abbiate Guazzone (VA), e-mail: privacy@nardi-personal.com, provides to the users of the website www.nardi-personal.com information related to thecookiesused and/or proposed for archiving. NARDI Steering Wheels Give your car a classic touch! A choice of design: The Nardi range allows to choose the steering that suits each own car and personality. And so to everything is needed to take decisions, to express ourselves with respect to our personality, our courage and our life-style. Anni 2 Products Challenge 4 Products Classic 34 Products Competition 2 Products Deep Corn 17 Products Gara 9 Products Kallista 3 Products Leader Such data, upon expiry of said term, will be destroyed. $338.93 - $421.23. REA Milano 1688697 Legal headquarter: Corso Venezia, 61 - 20121 (MI) ItalyOperative headquarter: Via Vittorio Veneto, 85 - 21049 Tradate (VA) Italy Phone :+39 0331.811118 / +39 0331.810970Fax: +39 0331.849460 Email: comm@nardi-personal.comPEC: nardi-personalspa@certimprese.itV.A.T. Per una pi specifica informazione circa quanto sopra indicato la invitiamo a visitare la sezione cookie policy del sito, allindirizzo web https://nardi-personal.com/. $395.41 - $452.56. Nardi Deep Corn 350mm steering wheel with brown leather and brown cross stitching.Anodized dark gunmetal aluminum spokes.90mm Dish. Creating a special atmosphere in the cabin, they will help you express your individuality.
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